22 October 2005

the one who has been missing in action

Right... I thought I should post something seeing that I've not for like the last 2 months. Things have been up and down, but I thank God that he has seen me through some of them and all the others I leave it to him.

At the moment, I've got lots of visitors in my house - as good as running a Bed and Breakfast. I have my auntie and her family here, and my brother is here as well. It has been good couple of weeks catching up with everyone. But living with so many people is once again testing my patience on tolerance. The upside is I dont have to do housework and cooking - dinner is actually ready for me when I get home from work - which is just a little too bizzare for me.

Work's been pretty good - now that the manager that I seem to have a personality clash with has left. Hey how would you react to her if she tells you that she doesnt give 'free answers' when you ask her a question? What's the point of making her a manager?? How is a person suppose to learn then? And as most companies go, the secretary is a little up herself - and I'm not too sure if I can quite deal with that. Ironically, I have been asked if I would consider going back to my old firm to work as they are in need of people.... hhhmm... if they can give me what I want, who knows, I just might go back to work for them, since they're the ones in need of people :)

Socially, has been a little quiet - but hey you need that sometimes. We went out for JH's birthday dinner last night which was pretty good and ended up in the pub , for once we didnt end up at our usual club. Of course one of the advantages of having my brother here is that I get chauffered around and so he came to pick me & KM up after we were done at the pub, which saved me cab fare, and I could drink all I want :) On a sad note, NC is leaving to go back to his home state. I do wish his and his fiancee all the best. Although I kind of know him, he has been good fun whenever we went out and he's been a pretty good sport. Besides, he said I look younger than how old I really am, so he scored brownie points for that :)

Physically, I admit I havent been to the gym for like 2 months. I keep telling myself that I'll do it next week, but you know how it is when procrastination sets in. But with the folks coming for Christmas, I better get myself into gear, before the nagging sets in again as it does every time I see them.

Finally... as Bugs Bunny says it.... THATS ALL FOLKS!!!!

13 August 2005

the one in darkness

So my one week of bumming around is coming to an end.... unfortunately I didnt get to go back to the Lion City as I managed to change the start date of my new job. But it's all good.

This week things didnt quite turn out how I expected it to. I've had disappointments after disappointments and now I dont even know what is happening. The expected and hopes became let downs. It's all so confusing and upsetting, and I dont know if I have done any wrong.

I dont like it that I'm feeling this way, I know that I shouldnt but I just cant help it. I wish I had a pensieve from Harry Potter, so that I can take out my current thoughts and put them aside and never think or remember them ever again.

09 August 2005

the one that gets to bum around

Well, I handed in my resignation letter this morning and I don't think my boss took it too well. I was kind of nervous as well and was stupidly giggling to which she thought that I wasn't being serious. And for some bizarre reason, I kept on giggling... that's just so dumb. Anyway, I was told to leave if I want to, so me being me, I left at lunch time. So very unexpectedly, I have been thrown into a 1 to 2 week holiday :) Short term plans have been made but one can only keep my fingers crossed for it to come to fruition.

Now I have to find out when do I start at my new job. I think that's the beauty of working in Aust, as compared to the Lion City, if you give a notice, you may or may not be expected to serve out your notice period and the new employers are pretty flexible. If I have to start on the date as stipulated on my offer, then Lion City here I come for a week... a week of pigging out with friends, having dinosaurs, shopping for my shoes, and spending time with the family who I haven't seen in a year. So stay tuned....

06 August 2005

the one who is thankful

I've had a very interesting 2 weeks.... I got fed up with the new work structure within my team and so made a few contacts and phone calls and hey presto, I have been offered a new job this week.

However, I believe that it is only with God's grace that I have been given this new opportunity. Sure I've questioned why did I have such a short stint in my present company (the circumstances leading up to me joining this present company was also very miraculous), but God knows of my current frustrations. It could be that he pulled me out for this short stint to give my body a rest from being overworked in the previous firm and now that I have rested and am feeling refreshed to be 'on the go' again, he has provided me with this new opportunity.

I thank God that he has once again answered my prayers and I continue to pray that with this new company, I will be able to provide me with the challenges and the opportunities that is needed to further my career.

For all my other unanswered prayers, I know that one day they will be answered - it may or may not be the way that I would like it to be, or if I will be able to understand it, but it is He who holds my hand and makes all things beautiful in His time. (Eccl 3:11)

02 August 2005

the one who got a postcard

Here's a postcard I got from the travelling folks in the Arctic Circle. Isnt it cute? They were so kind to visit Santa and told him what a Good Girl I have been and to give him my wish list :)

Santa Postcard Posted by Picasa

The funny thing is they are having Summer in Sweden/Finland but the temperature there is the same as the temperature which I'm experiencing in Perth.... and we're in Winter... what does that tell ya?

24 July 2005

the one playing 007

I had an interesting weekend so far.... On Friday nite, YW and I decided to drink and I was meeting the rest of the girls at 10 as well. So YW and I started drinking at 6 and by 10 when I was at the Shed to meet the girls, I was pleasantly pissed and by the time we left the Deen and I got home at 2am, I was royally pissed. I got thru 3 bottles of Smirnoff Ice, 3 pints of bourbon & coke, and some other strange illusions shots and I think that was the culprit that topped it off.

Yesterday, YW and I played investigators and we took an early morning drive to do our investigative work. Then a very nice dim sum lunch in the city and back to a nap.

17 July 2005

the one with tic-tac-toe

Here's to the memories of our first pets that we had. 3 cats walked into the old house that we were living in and started playing in the garden. They were christened Tic, Tac, Toe. Tic is the one with the little dot on his nose, and he later got called 'Charlie' short for Charlie Chaplin. Tac got really big and fat - approx 15kg - so got called 'Fat Cat'. Alas, for Toe, he died at a very young age :( However Tic & Tac lived on for a long time and gave our family lots of laughs with their antics and submissiviness to my brother and dad for their over active imagination.

the story of tic-tac-toe Posted by Picasa

the one who owns Toby

This is Toby... my other dog. I rescued him from the dog pound a few years ago. As you can see from the photos, that's his job, lying around the whole day, at various places around the house. He has been christened 'Sir Toby' by the clan. This has been put up by request of one of the cuz who said Toby is her favourite...

Toby @ Work Posted by Picasa

the one who owns Buffy

That's Buffy my dog. No I am not a fan of the movie show, but somehow the name suited her when it was time to name her. She's a big sook at times usually when she has to take a bath or have her hair brushed. But she really is a sweetie... although I'm sure there are some friends out there who would beg to differ :)

Buffy Posted by Picasa

the one that is freaky

You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.

You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!

I like the fact that I'm charming yet freaky :P

05 July 2005

the one who had a ball at a ball

It's been a busy weekend for me. On Friday, I had the office end of financial year lunch. Free food and free drinks... what more can one ask for? It was an interesting experience seeing these dead people come to life. Well, not all came to life. Towards the end of the evening with everyone's tongue's a little loose and people was fully intoxicated, that's when the fun began. That night, I also took my little cousin (note she calls me her old old cousin) and her friend to watch Madagascar .... amazingly, I didnt fall asleep.

Saturday was the ball. It was a chaotic day to begin with but it was a great night out. Of course some of the people at the ball asked how I managed to sneak in... don't they know who they are dealing with?? On the upside of things, friends and cousins have said I looked good that night, on the downside of things, my own flesh and blood had nothing but negative comments which really upset me.

Anyway, the food was good and the company around the table was excellent - thanks guys. Should have taken some pics of the food. And of course, free flow of drinks. Everyone behaved themselves - did we have a choice? But once the ball officially ended and we hit the club, let the fun begin. I got home at 5am.... it's one of these times I'm glad I dont live with my parents anymore :)

29 June 2005

the one who acts her age *ahem*

You Are 26 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

23 June 2005

the one with the birthday

Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Yup... today's my birthday. Going to be eating alot - which is what I enjoy with friends and surrogate families. Let's hope it'll a good one :-)

18 June 2005

the one who really needs to get the brains checked

OK... after months of 'nagging' from my dad ... or should I say years...?? I have finally decided to do something proactive and did some research on how to enrol for a CA program. But it looks like a very very long process.... thanks to my big roundabout way of studying what I studied before. But I suppose as what dad says - it's not how you do it, it's as long as you get there.

So let's see, I have to do a 'conversion' course - which probably entails me having to go back to uni to do a few core courses and then I can commence on the CA program. This I anticipate will take me 5 YEARS!!!! Then I become a confirmed bean counter... how did I end up in this profession?

Needless to say, my friends are laughing at me, saying that if I do get a CA they will throw a very big party for me..... and so, the pursuit for excellence continues .....

09 June 2005

the one who is apprehensive

So I got another piece of news.... he who must not be named is apparently back in town. When I heard the news, my heart immediately sunk and I felt lousy. But I kind of knew that he was back coz he was online again. All I want to do now is hide in the house and be a hermit so that I will not bump into him and remain in the house until I know he has left again. No one knows where he lives, so I could easily bump into him at the shops here if he is still living in the same area.

But I think to myself, should I allow him to make me feel this way. How is it that you can be with a person for 6.5 years and can now make you feel nothing but disgust and just so uncomfortable. Tonight when I did a little bit of shopping, I could feel my eyes just darting here and there to see if he was around.....

I refuse to allow myself to be intimidated by him but one cannot help but be paranoid and be on my guard..... it's just so scary.... what if he knocks on my door one day or I bump into him.... I want my MUMMY & DADDY!!!

08 June 2005

the one with the news

The biggest news I got today down the grapevine is that my ex-big boss has resigned. It was pretty shocking at first and I very gleefully told a few of my other ex-colleagues.... but when more news came down as to why she resigned, I suppose it made sense. Afterall, she is in a male dominated company and they wouldn't promote her any higher.

CB and I actually hope that our exit questionnaire had something to do with it. We can only hope, as we will not know her real reason.

Even though towards the end of my work there she started to be a very knarky b**** to me, I have to admire her for being the only female principal in this very male dominated firm. Initially, when she came into our department, I really thought she was a nice person - amazingly I even told her so in a department training session. Boy was I wrong.... she turned out to be mega B and totally blind to what some of the other staff was doing behind her back and in front of her - plus she had pretty bad managerial skills.... if only the firm would look at the staff turnover of her department and realise that all the good people have left (ahem... including me!). Oh and she had her favourites, after I resigned I found out that she didnt quite like me... but hey ... that's life, I didnt quite like her either. Maybe becoz I didnt like her favourites..... and created too much chaos for her (like protesting over the forced 10 hour days) ... but hey at the end of the day, I still did my work, and I know I did my work good... despite what she may think.

Maybe one day our paths may cross and we will not have a boss/employee relationship and perhaps be friends - but that is highly unlikely. And I am so refraining from mentioning the many speculations that the staff has with her marriage with another principal in the firm....but we have our suspicions. Here's to you JS, as much as I don't like you and you didnt like me and was a crappy manager in the department, I have to admire you for being the only female principal in the firm. And though you had aspirations to be made partner, did you really think they would make you a partner whilst you are only working part time??

07 June 2005

the one with the middle brain

One day my brother asked me if I was more left brained or right brained, thinking he was asking a trick question I replied I'm in the middle.... to which he laughed and said the middle is kind of empty..... however, check out the test below... I think I've just proved him wrong :P

You Are 50% Left Brained, 50% Right Brained

The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.

06 June 2005

the one doing nothing

Yup..... the title says it all.... I have been an absolute slacker this weekend.... but I partly blame it on the weather.... it's been cloudy and on the verge of rain. The weather forecasts keeps saying it will rain, and thunderstorm and so I've been waiting. Given my love and fasincation for thunderstorms I've been waiting and waiting.

Thunderstorms brings back a few memories for me. Once we were in Tulsa and there was a tornado/hurricane approaching and people were sitting in the lobby looking at the sky at the lightning. It was absolutely amazing to see lightning flashing across a clear sky. Another, was my brother and I playing in the rain one wet and rainy afternoon back in Singapore and nearly got caught by mum......

Of course with a thunderstorm you should be cuddled up in bed or in front of the heater on the sofa with a special someone. Alas, there is no such person in my life.... so for now, I make do with 2 dogs - who happens to occupies more space than I do on the sofa.

04 June 2005

the one waiting for dinner

I think whilst this is all new to me, I will post quite a bit... but once this dies down let's see how we go with the posts.

I am currently waiting for my dinner. Many many moons ago, my friend Ray offered to cook Apricot Chicken Curry for me and my friend Yonni. Many many moons later, he's agreed to cook it. The only deal is that I cook the rice as I don't believe in microve rice. If anyone else has other opinions on rice cooked in a rice cooker, over the stove or in a microwave, I'll be happy to hear from them

On another happy note, my 3rd auntie is rumoured to be moving back to Perth by the end of the year with her family .... back to good home cooking food..... family support around me ...... and having babysitters for my dogs :)

the one that succumbed

I have finally succumbed to the pressures of having a blog. I really am not too sure what I will be posting in here...... but .... only time will tell how inspirational I can get and start writing decent blogs.

Meanwhile, it's a Saturday, it's the long weekend - the last one till September!! :( and I've decided to be a couch potatoe this weekend and watch all seasons of Sex and the City on DVD

This 'nickname' that I have chosen is not any of my usual nick names that I've been using around the internet world. Thanks to my brother for suggesting it and let's see if anyone can guess why I chose this name.