24 July 2005

the one playing 007

I had an interesting weekend so far.... On Friday nite, YW and I decided to drink and I was meeting the rest of the girls at 10 as well. So YW and I started drinking at 6 and by 10 when I was at the Shed to meet the girls, I was pleasantly pissed and by the time we left the Deen and I got home at 2am, I was royally pissed. I got thru 3 bottles of Smirnoff Ice, 3 pints of bourbon & coke, and some other strange illusions shots and I think that was the culprit that topped it off.

Yesterday, YW and I played investigators and we took an early morning drive to do our investigative work. Then a very nice dim sum lunch in the city and back to a nap.

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