06 August 2005

the one who is thankful

I've had a very interesting 2 weeks.... I got fed up with the new work structure within my team and so made a few contacts and phone calls and hey presto, I have been offered a new job this week.

However, I believe that it is only with God's grace that I have been given this new opportunity. Sure I've questioned why did I have such a short stint in my present company (the circumstances leading up to me joining this present company was also very miraculous), but God knows of my current frustrations. It could be that he pulled me out for this short stint to give my body a rest from being overworked in the previous firm and now that I have rested and am feeling refreshed to be 'on the go' again, he has provided me with this new opportunity.

I thank God that he has once again answered my prayers and I continue to pray that with this new company, I will be able to provide me with the challenges and the opportunities that is needed to further my career.

For all my other unanswered prayers, I know that one day they will be answered - it may or may not be the way that I would like it to be, or if I will be able to understand it, but it is He who holds my hand and makes all things beautiful in His time. (Eccl 3:11)

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