25 February 2006

Buffy & Her Puppies (2)

Buffy's done with giving birth. She's got 5 puppies altogether which makes up 3 male and 2 female with a combination of 4 White and 1 black/brown. I'm already tempted to keep the black brown puppy but she's a female. And in a way I want a white (male) puppy to replace Toby. Guess eventually I'll have to decide.

I'm happy to say mother and puppies are doing well.

Buffy & Her Puppies (1)

Buffy gave birth today. I figured she might as she was very restless last night and this morning she wasnt her usual jumpy self. Kept hiding in corners especially in my wardrobe. YW came over for a chat and we had lunch. After lunch at abt 2pm, we were watching a movie and we noticed Buffy starting to shiver and as though she was having contractions. So we took her to her 'maternity ward', where shortly after she gave birth to puppy number 1.

It's now 4pm and she's given birth to 4 puppies, 3 white and 1 black. I think that's abt all she's going to have as 3 of the puppies are pretty huge.

23 February 2006

Chats and Dumb Questions

I've decided to publicise my chats with people who are dumb and have no netiquette. What is the point of me filling in the blanks to a profile and even specifically saying in my profile that I dont appreciate dumb questions and yet I get asked dumb questions?

HardROd1 (10:13 PM) :
fancy a chat, precious?
ME(10:13 PM) :
HardROd1 (10:13 PM) :
how u doin
HardROd1 (10:14 PM) :
where r u?
ME (10:14 PM) :
i'm good
ME (10:15 PM) :
i'm at home
HardROd1 (10:15 PM) :
where is home?
ME (10:15 PM) :
i think it's in my profile
ME (10:15 PM) :
if u bother to read it first
HardROd1 (10:16 PM) :
oh u have attitude problem
HardROd1 (10:16 PM) :
I mean where in Wa?
ME (10:16 PM) :
perth -once again its in the profile
HardROd1 (10:17 PM) :
no it is not
HardROd1 (10:17 PM) :
not in the one i can see
ME(10:17 PM) :
really, i can see it
HardROd1 (10:17 PM) :
enjoy it then

20 February 2006

Korean Food

Yesterday after church, whilst deciding where to go for lunch with the kiddies, somehow, got lured to go to a Korean Restaurant down at Pier Street. We ordered quite a few dishes which turned out pretty good. My new favourite korean food is the Korean Seafood Pancake and the Hot and Spicy Seafood Soup in a Hot Pot.

Then KM came to collect her puppies and I told her what I had for lunch and we ended saying that we need to try the Korean Restaurant at Victoria Park and we said our good-byes.

A little while later, I got a phonecall from KM asking if i wanted to join her and hubby for dinner at that Korean Restaurant at Victoria Park. Coincidentally, when she got home, DM made a comment that he wanted to try that very same Korean place we talked abt!!! So off we went to try that Korean Restaurant and I had the same stuff again and we so overloaded on the kim chi it was excellent!!! And KM and I stuffed outselves with the Hot Pot.

So now, I'm on the hunt for recipes to cook the pancake and the hot pot. Time to google....

17 February 2006


The fresh grads at work will be having their graduation award ceremony tomorrow. I know that to some people, it's of no big deal but to me, a graduation ceremy always signified an achievement for me. After the ceremony when you see families and friends exchanging congratulations, you share in the pride and achievement.

Tonight on my way home, I've noticed quite a few families walking around the city, touring Perth, my guess is they're all here for the various graduation ceremonies that is taking place in the universitites this week.

All this brings back memories for me when I went thru my graduation ceremonies both in Edinburgh and Sydney and the other graduation ceremonies that I've been to for my brother and dad.

To all the recent graduates out there, Congratulations....

15 February 2006

And The DUMBEST Award Goes To........

OK... so what spastic thing did I do today at work?!?! The Empress Dowager aka Wong Ah Ma sent us all an email saying that we have ALOT of work to be completed by May 2006 and that she will be reviewing files for me and Number 2. Given the recent fiasco at work, I wasnt too keen on this new process. Funnily enough, I finished a file today for her to review. And because she doesnt like to have reviews after reviews I kind of got paranoid and stressed about it. To top it off, my file was returned to me for some amendments and that stressed me out - seriously, I was so on the verge of tears for fear that I would be reprimanded for it. Anyway, I wanted to IM to Number 2 that I'm all stressed and paranoid that Empress Dowager is reviewing our files and instead of IM that message to Number 2, I SENT THAT MESSAGE TO THE EMPRESS DOWAGER HERSELF! How much more spastic can I get? Needless to say Empress Dowager confronted me about it and I admitted that she stresses me out and makes me all paranoid. Number 2 cracked up laughing.... I started giggling.... the only positive side is that now Empress Dowager knows I'm stressed. The negative side is that she's probably given me another strike! Just as well I had a secret appointment today... and fingers crossed, that would bear some fruit and come to fruition.....

14 February 2006

senses test

Came across this website to test your senese... I'll not let you all know what my results were :p


Have Fun :)

11 February 2006

A Yummy Lunch, Discussions, Memories and Thoughts

I had lunch with my ex boss the other day. TG was part of the 3 musketeers at TIFG and was my first boss in Perth and by far the nicest boss in my entire working life! We had a chat, caught up with our families and lives and past colleagues and got on abt my current job. He made a comment that I'm a 'unique' employee and if only my current employers can see that and that will make them understand me better. He further admitted that I was one of his best employees he's ever had. That is true as he's one of my referees :) I am pretty sure that if they didnt get into so much trouble with the authorities I would still be working there for them. Can you imagine when I used to work with TG, he would offer to make me coffee?!?!? A BOSS offering to make me coffee? Good grief, the first time he offered that I nearly did a flip over. Sometimes on Fridays he would allow us to go home at 3pm claiming that we're living on Sydney time. When my aunt used to come and have lunch with me, he would tell me to take an extended lunch break. One time, when my family was visiting me, he told me to go home to spend time with my family - this is such a far cry from my current boss who asked if I REALLY had to go to the airport when I asked if I could come in late for work as I had to pick my parents up from the airport on 2 different days. I wonder if that is the difference between having a male boss and a female boss?

Another great boss who was part of the team was TKL aka Big T to me. TKL sadly succumbed to cancer in December 2004. A very sudden discovery that he had cancer and it was way too late to save him. He knew how to live life to the fullest. He used to drag me out of the office for coffees as he needed to get out of the office for fresh air. When I stopped working for them, TKL would come down to my new work place and have coffee with me at least once a week. I miss you Big T - I actually still have your mobile number on mine, in memory of you. Big T and I confided alot to each other, he told me once that he treated me more as a friend as opposed to an employee as I was easy going and he could tell me stuff and I dont comment and just have an open mind. Big T understood the need to have fun. When my pal WY visited me in Perth once, and we had this massive mail out to do, he told me to go and entertain WY and he would do the mail out. A boss sitting in the conference room folding letters and sticking them into envelopes so that an employee can go and have fun?!?!?! Beat that! One time I had to go to Brissy for a training and Big T called his brother up there and told him to take care of me and to entertain me! How sweet is that? One day we will meet again Big T and I will take up that offer to ride on your Harley.

Both TG and TKL did alot for me during my turbulent first year in Perth. I owe you guys a lot. I don't know why I needed to pen down these thoughts. Perhaps the recent upheaval in my work brings back memories and what ifs. I just pray that I will eventually be able to work for a company and have bosses as cool as these guys, who understands the balance of life and work and most importantly, understands me.

self explanatory quiz

Your Job Dissatisfaction Level is 80%

Your job is a total bummer, and probably the worst job you've ever had.
Your co-workers stink. Your boss is a jerk. And your company is probably in trouble.
Think about finding a new job quickly, even if it's just a not-so-great transition job.
You've got to get out of there as quickly as you can!

10 February 2006

flied lice

Well... ok... the title actually does sound bad... but that's how some people that I know back in the hometown pronounces the words... they get the 'r' and 'l' mixed up. So really, it's meant to be fried rice ;) that's what my aunt aka 'overseas domestic helper' cooked for dinner for the girls and I tonite. KM and JH came over for dinner, had some bourbon and coke and tried to have a Sex and the City Marathon....but that didnt quite pan out right.

So FL reckons (in his blog) that I may not be a comfortable cup of tea for some people, I wonder why.... just as well I'm not sitting next to him at the moment else he'll get a big 'klong' on his head.

My dog Buffy is officially pregnant. I think she'll be giving birth at the end of this month, the bets are opened as to how many pups she will have this time round :)

I got asked by the beanie today if I knew of any good Christian boy for her to matchmake with her cousin... like hello... I need one for myself?!?!! Maybe we threw too many beans onto her on her wedding day?

My voice is slowing coming back but at times it's very straining :( I guess I'll be spending this weekend on a sleepathon....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............

07 February 2006


Isnt God just great? I've had a pretty hectic last couple of weeks and told myself that I needed some rest, and he actually made me sick enough to have a couple of days medical leave so that I can rest! OK... my boss probably isnt the happiest person out there now but I need this time of rest

The last few days before I left to come back to Perth was very busy. Since my last blog entry, on Thurs, we went to JB and had sudanese food - man the crispy fish was good, and managed to do some shopping with mum.... so she got me a couple of stuff :) Thursday night dinner was a quiet easy affair (dad just did some take away from the coffee shop) but later on that night, met WY for supper... for $6 we managed to have a porridge buffet... how cool is that? Needless to say, I think WY struggled to wake up the next morning

On Friday - it was shopping overload. Met mum for lunch at her work and we went for Japanese. I admit I had one of the best sukiyaki and mum had some japanese rice (it's hard to describe, but we had it when we were in Japan b4). Then off to shopping I went, but no shoes for me :(

For dinner, we were at Savannah where my auntie made popiah (fresh spring rolls) for us. It was absolutely delicious!! Now if only we could find some fresh turnips here that would be great for me to make some. After dinner, the girls and I went to watch a midnight movie - I Not Stupid 2, and on my way to meet them, I actually lost my way... how embarassing is that?!?!!?

Saturday we were having our house dinner party and mum made her very yummy fried kway teow.... went for a massage with WY as well and boy did that masseur really rub it in... I was so sore after that!! We later went back to my place and helped around a little and vegetated around as well. We bought a lotto ticket, but I'm not holding my breath that we would strike first prize. Dinner time came and it was a pretty good turnout. Had abt 6 - 7 of my close friends and they stayed till 2am. BL aka FL kind of pissed my brother and me off by bringing a girl who didnt have much social etiquette. Think my folks weren't too impressed either. If he continues, he would be one of the unmentionables in my family. The dinner spread was pretty good as well and one of my aunt's specially made some curry puffs for me to take back to Oz.

We had a lazy Sunday at home and started packing in the afternoon. When I was clearing customs/immigration upon my arrival, I got 'sniffed out' by one of the dogs and got very scrutinised by the customs people - I think they thought that I had bad stuff on me.... so it turns out that their dogs took longer than normal when they were sniffing me... OK.. didnt they think that it's becoz I have dogs as well?

Struggled to work on Monday and throughout the day I kept wanting to leave work to come home to rest but I persevered. I doubt that the people at work were appreciative that I did that. Now that I'm on a couple of days medical leave, I wonder what are they going to nit pick out of it?

02 February 2006

Gong Xi Fa Cai 2006

Well I've finally made it back home after an absence of 5 years (I think) to welcome in the year of the Dog. It seems strange to be surrounded by family I would say a little over whelming at times especially with the extended family. The weather and my toothache isnt helping matters. In addition, I think my taste buds have now changed as well..... Thought I'll log a food diary as to what I've been eating and what I've been up to, just so I remember

Touch down last Thurs and had breakfast - dad went to the coffee shop aka kopitiam and got fishball mee pok, fried beehoon with otak and putu mayam. Lunch - met ET for a buffet at Taka and did we have a spread!!! There were sashimi salmon, huge oysters, prawns, and lots of other stuff. BL & EC just sat and watched us eat. For dinner, the folks took us to East Coast where I had real satay, mee rebus, another round of mee pok fish ball and tahu goreng. Oh and not forgetting sugar cane juice! :)

Friday - breakfast at the coffee shop with the Reubens.... had a spread there as well - Yong Tau Foo, Chee Cheong Fun, Soon Kueh. Lunch met BL at Tangs and had laksa, tau pok and tau suan.... ( I was warned not to eat too much coz of wat we were going to have for dinner). Well, come dinner we went to a buffet spread at Straits Kitchen at the Hyatt Hotel and had the most amazing spread of food.... go check out twelve baskets blog and see a fraction of what we ate!!! That memory would remain in me for a long time! To top things off, went with EC and BL to have dinosaur.... but i couldnt have much as the tooth was hurting and I was being a grump

Saturday - had Nasi Padang, a discovery by dad. It was pretty good. And dinner, being CNY eve, we had our usual steamboat with special guests the Reubens and then we went to the Savannah and had another dinner with the extended family... it felt strange to be back and somehow, I felt more welcomed there by outsiders who were more sincere in hugging and saying that it was good to see me... there we had buah keluak, hee peow soup just to name a few. I was reminded of the traditions that we had to do and it really made me appreciate my roots. That evening, dad and EC took the Reubens to the airport whist mum and I had to clean the house b4 midnite (and note... I do not miss this cleaning up bit - I think dad goes a little overboard with this every year)

Sunday - being CNY day 1, we were at Savannah and had lunch there - it was pretty much leftovers from the eve dinner. The rellies that came visiting to Savannah were alot and half the time I wasnt too sure who was who. We went to visit an aunt and had her very famous curry puffs.... they are the absolute best!!! We went to visit my grandparents niche and I have to admit, i nearly cried there seeing my granny plaque for the first time since her death over 2 years ago. Dinner we were at my gran's and wat a spread she made... her hee peow soup, chap chye were my favourites!!! On a seperate note, someone called KM abt Toby and asked if there was a reward and KM said she's not sure as Toby isnt hers and that dumb arse hung up on KM!!! Now i'm really upset that I wont see Toby ever again!

Monday - late afternoon tea was a bbq at gran's place - and met up with grand pa's siblings.... he's got 12... and dinner was at my uncles place - kind of boring food not worth mentioning. met up with the girls for supper and we went to have supper with satay, mee hoon goreng, roti john, and pratas. got home and slept at 4am.

Tuesday - had laksa at katong, and then dinner was oyster omlette, fried prawn noodles, carrot cake and then dinner part 2 was bak kut teh. All this eaten with BL and the girls... it's great to be back and glutting with them. That's like one of the aspects I definitely miss while I'm away.

Wednesday - for dinner I FINALLY got my crabs!!! oh man it was soooooo good....

We're off to JB tomorrow and then on Friday my aunt's making popiah - a special request by me! :) and on Saturday the family and friends are here for dinner and so far, we've got quite a good spread so keep a look out as to what we'll be having.

I am not looking forward to going back to work on Monday as I know they're going to treat me bad.