11 February 2006

A Yummy Lunch, Discussions, Memories and Thoughts

I had lunch with my ex boss the other day. TG was part of the 3 musketeers at TIFG and was my first boss in Perth and by far the nicest boss in my entire working life! We had a chat, caught up with our families and lives and past colleagues and got on abt my current job. He made a comment that I'm a 'unique' employee and if only my current employers can see that and that will make them understand me better. He further admitted that I was one of his best employees he's ever had. That is true as he's one of my referees :) I am pretty sure that if they didnt get into so much trouble with the authorities I would still be working there for them. Can you imagine when I used to work with TG, he would offer to make me coffee?!?!? A BOSS offering to make me coffee? Good grief, the first time he offered that I nearly did a flip over. Sometimes on Fridays he would allow us to go home at 3pm claiming that we're living on Sydney time. When my aunt used to come and have lunch with me, he would tell me to take an extended lunch break. One time, when my family was visiting me, he told me to go home to spend time with my family - this is such a far cry from my current boss who asked if I REALLY had to go to the airport when I asked if I could come in late for work as I had to pick my parents up from the airport on 2 different days. I wonder if that is the difference between having a male boss and a female boss?

Another great boss who was part of the team was TKL aka Big T to me. TKL sadly succumbed to cancer in December 2004. A very sudden discovery that he had cancer and it was way too late to save him. He knew how to live life to the fullest. He used to drag me out of the office for coffees as he needed to get out of the office for fresh air. When I stopped working for them, TKL would come down to my new work place and have coffee with me at least once a week. I miss you Big T - I actually still have your mobile number on mine, in memory of you. Big T and I confided alot to each other, he told me once that he treated me more as a friend as opposed to an employee as I was easy going and he could tell me stuff and I dont comment and just have an open mind. Big T understood the need to have fun. When my pal WY visited me in Perth once, and we had this massive mail out to do, he told me to go and entertain WY and he would do the mail out. A boss sitting in the conference room folding letters and sticking them into envelopes so that an employee can go and have fun?!?!?! Beat that! One time I had to go to Brissy for a training and Big T called his brother up there and told him to take care of me and to entertain me! How sweet is that? One day we will meet again Big T and I will take up that offer to ride on your Harley.

Both TG and TKL did alot for me during my turbulent first year in Perth. I owe you guys a lot. I don't know why I needed to pen down these thoughts. Perhaps the recent upheaval in my work brings back memories and what ifs. I just pray that I will eventually be able to work for a company and have bosses as cool as these guys, who understands the balance of life and work and most importantly, understands me.

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