17 May 2006


I received an email from TC yesterday asking what I was doing tonite. Told her I would be going to the gym unless she can convince me otherwise... and her alternative suggestion was way better than the gym... it was an invite to the HYATT for a free dinner!! Who can say NO to that and free alcohol as well??!?!?

So off we went tonite to the Hyatt for dinner. It was the launch of Hyatt's new menu. There was a great sample of appetisers (about 5 types). They gave a little bit of each on the lazy susan so we could pick what we wanted to eat. There was a Hyatt representative on each table as well (about 20 tables in all) so that they can gather feedback from us. The main course was yummy.. I had the rare steak cooked to perfection with a seafood stick of prawns, scallops and oyster!! The dessert.... was... oh soo good (this from someone who isnt a fan of dessert) . There was a taste test of 7 different types of dessert on a plate for each of us, and it was fun trying to guess what each dessert was according to the menu. To top of the evening, each of us were given a mini chocolate cake to take home .... I havent tried it yet as it looks too rich and I'm too stuffed to eat anymore tonite...

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