25 May 2006

Music, Movies & Makan

Last Friday, a part of the Hillsongs Worship Team was in Perth to have a 'Just Worship' Experience. Apparently it was their first WA trip.... It was held at the Metro Church @ Beaufort Street, Northbridge. We (CY, my brother and me) qued up since 6.15pm and waited.... the worship didn't start till 7.30pm (thanks to CY for getting me a bubble tea to keep me occupied). The aim of this worship was to raise money for the Hope Rwanda cause - a project which is organised by Mark & Darlene Zschech from the Hills Church in Sydney. Perth raised well over $40K for this fund raising project!! The worship ended about 9.00pm.... which I think was a little disappointment to the Hillsongs fan club.

On Tuesday (cheap arsed Tuesday) we (HT, my bro and me) went to watch The DaVinci Code. Enough hype has been said for this movie which came from the same titled book by Dan Brown. The movie was a disappointment as it was draggy at some bits, the parts where they could have explained better wasnt explained properly (no wonder my dad got confused when he watched the movie!) and it was a LONG movie....

Whilst there's a lot of talk about this movie and churches everywhere are raising issues as to the lies in the book - where personally I am getting a little tired of all this controversy talk... I believe that if a person's foundations in the Christian faith is strong, you would take this book as fiction reading, and ignore the fact that in the beginning of the book it does say that careful research has gone into the book. In no way should the contents of the book falter a Christian's believe. This reminds me of a movie I once saw in Edinburgh - The Last Temptations of Christ.... which was also a controversial movie/book. Finally. as dad pointed out to me last night, this book is a good way to share the Christian faith with non believers.

Meanwhile, the Eat Inc gluts have been pretty quiet... CY, my bro and I managed to have lunch at the Bella Rosa @Victoria Park on Sunday and we stuffed ourselves with the pasta. The portions were huge and they were generous with the seafood....SJ at work has been feeding me with really yummy afternoon teas of pastries from Jean Claude and other bakeries .. tomorrow he's going to cook a curry for lunch... sigh.... I think I have to hit the gym properly....

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