29 May 2006


OK... in some ways, I would like to think that I'm a 'seasoned' chatter on the net... I mean I've been using various chat programs for like the last 10 years!!! However, on an off chance today, I found my way to my ICQ webpage and realised that people have been leaving me messages on there which I've not known about! I came across 2 negative comments about me... here's what they said

Diesel wrote: <228811699>

What a total waste of an effort! Total rudeness from her-I'm awestruck at what posesses people to act like her!? Good luck with Prince Charming-you'll need it !

Oh,and one more thing-you're 'About Me' above says you're 'easy going person'...Fat chance of that- you bit my head off just for asking where you're from ! Check my profile was the reply !!! Go figure.

David wrote: <82170190>
Gosh u wern't very friendly were u. wasnt expecting much, just common courtesy as to a stranger. Apologies if this sounds harsh but I dont think this was all my stuff. Good luck with prince charming!

OK so those were the complaints... here are my rebuttals

1. I have a profile, I spent time on my profile writing up where I'm from and other bits of information about myself, I made the conscientious effort to write my profile, so why cant you do me the courtesy of reading my profile first?

2. On my profile, I do say I dont like dumb questions. Asking me questions where the answers can be found on my profile is classified as a dumb question. Perhaps I should specify what is my definition of a dumb question for these dumb people.

3. When someone randomly chats to me, the first thing I do is to check their profile and see if I can gather any information on them. Just coz the lazy ones dont, doesnt mean that everyone is like them as lazy...

4. Sure I'm easy going .... but everyone has their faults and limits.. and to those that know me, knows that I dont like dumb people.... and those that know me better, knows I have limited tolerance for dumb people.... my tolerance level do not hold to people who are childish, screamish, irritating, too overly 'ladylike' and pretends to be a damsel in distress... etc

5. Finally, it's a frigging chat.... different people react differently to words. Some normal people when I say please check profile - after they ask a dumb question, they actually do check the profile and the apologise for not checking it first... and from there, we actually can have a decent chat.

Anyway, I've been battling a headache for the last couple of days, so seeing these online didnt impress me too much, I'm in 2 minds as to leaving them a nasty message myself... but then again... I'm a NICE person... ;-)

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