29 May 2006


OK... in some ways, I would like to think that I'm a 'seasoned' chatter on the net... I mean I've been using various chat programs for like the last 10 years!!! However, on an off chance today, I found my way to my ICQ webpage and realised that people have been leaving me messages on there which I've not known about! I came across 2 negative comments about me... here's what they said

Diesel wrote: <228811699>

What a total waste of an effort! Total rudeness from her-I'm awestruck at what posesses people to act like her!? Good luck with Prince Charming-you'll need it !

Oh,and one more thing-you're 'About Me' above says you're 'easy going person'...Fat chance of that- you bit my head off just for asking where you're from ! Check my profile was the reply !!! Go figure.

David wrote: <82170190>
Gosh u wern't very friendly were u. wasnt expecting much, just common courtesy as to a stranger. Apologies if this sounds harsh but I dont think this was all my stuff. Good luck with prince charming!

OK so those were the complaints... here are my rebuttals

1. I have a profile, I spent time on my profile writing up where I'm from and other bits of information about myself, I made the conscientious effort to write my profile, so why cant you do me the courtesy of reading my profile first?

2. On my profile, I do say I dont like dumb questions. Asking me questions where the answers can be found on my profile is classified as a dumb question. Perhaps I should specify what is my definition of a dumb question for these dumb people.

3. When someone randomly chats to me, the first thing I do is to check their profile and see if I can gather any information on them. Just coz the lazy ones dont, doesnt mean that everyone is like them as lazy...

4. Sure I'm easy going .... but everyone has their faults and limits.. and to those that know me, knows that I dont like dumb people.... and those that know me better, knows I have limited tolerance for dumb people.... my tolerance level do not hold to people who are childish, screamish, irritating, too overly 'ladylike' and pretends to be a damsel in distress... etc

5. Finally, it's a frigging chat.... different people react differently to words. Some normal people when I say please check profile - after they ask a dumb question, they actually do check the profile and the apologise for not checking it first... and from there, we actually can have a decent chat.

Anyway, I've been battling a headache for the last couple of days, so seeing these online didnt impress me too much, I'm in 2 minds as to leaving them a nasty message myself... but then again... I'm a NICE person... ;-)

25 May 2006

Music, Movies & Makan

Last Friday, a part of the Hillsongs Worship Team was in Perth to have a 'Just Worship' Experience. Apparently it was their first WA trip.... It was held at the Metro Church @ Beaufort Street, Northbridge. We (CY, my brother and me) qued up since 6.15pm and waited.... the worship didn't start till 7.30pm (thanks to CY for getting me a bubble tea to keep me occupied). The aim of this worship was to raise money for the Hope Rwanda cause - a project which is organised by Mark & Darlene Zschech from the Hills Church in Sydney. Perth raised well over $40K for this fund raising project!! The worship ended about 9.00pm.... which I think was a little disappointment to the Hillsongs fan club.

On Tuesday (cheap arsed Tuesday) we (HT, my bro and me) went to watch The DaVinci Code. Enough hype has been said for this movie which came from the same titled book by Dan Brown. The movie was a disappointment as it was draggy at some bits, the parts where they could have explained better wasnt explained properly (no wonder my dad got confused when he watched the movie!) and it was a LONG movie....

Whilst there's a lot of talk about this movie and churches everywhere are raising issues as to the lies in the book - where personally I am getting a little tired of all this controversy talk... I believe that if a person's foundations in the Christian faith is strong, you would take this book as fiction reading, and ignore the fact that in the beginning of the book it does say that careful research has gone into the book. In no way should the contents of the book falter a Christian's believe. This reminds me of a movie I once saw in Edinburgh - The Last Temptations of Christ.... which was also a controversial movie/book. Finally. as dad pointed out to me last night, this book is a good way to share the Christian faith with non believers.

Meanwhile, the Eat Inc gluts have been pretty quiet... CY, my bro and I managed to have lunch at the Bella Rosa @Victoria Park on Sunday and we stuffed ourselves with the pasta. The portions were huge and they were generous with the seafood....SJ at work has been feeding me with really yummy afternoon teas of pastries from Jean Claude and other bakeries .. tomorrow he's going to cook a curry for lunch... sigh.... I think I have to hit the gym properly....

18 May 2006


Weirdo Warning on ICQ - 257-433-042 (Mark)

mark (04:46 PM) :

Me (04:55 PM) :

mark (04:56 PM) :
how are you my name is mark

Me (04:56 PM) :
hi mark

mark (04:57 PM) :
which asian country are you from ?

Me (04:58 PM) :
see profile
mark (04:58 PM) :

didn't come up that's why i have asked ,but now it's ok

Me (05:00 PM) :

mark (05:00 PM) :
do you have pic of you ?

Me (05:01 PM) :

mark (05:01 PM) :
ok piss off then

Me(05:02 PM) :
hahah u just gave me a reason to write what an asshole u are on my blog

mark (05:03 PM) :
you asian all are so cheap

Hands up if you think this guy is a fked up arsehole? But at least he's in Sydney... not in Perth!

17 May 2006


I received an email from TC yesterday asking what I was doing tonite. Told her I would be going to the gym unless she can convince me otherwise... and her alternative suggestion was way better than the gym... it was an invite to the HYATT for a free dinner!! Who can say NO to that and free alcohol as well??!?!?

So off we went tonite to the Hyatt for dinner. It was the launch of Hyatt's new menu. There was a great sample of appetisers (about 5 types). They gave a little bit of each on the lazy susan so we could pick what we wanted to eat. There was a Hyatt representative on each table as well (about 20 tables in all) so that they can gather feedback from us. The main course was yummy.. I had the rare steak cooked to perfection with a seafood stick of prawns, scallops and oyster!! The dessert.... was... oh soo good (this from someone who isnt a fan of dessert) . There was a taste test of 7 different types of dessert on a plate for each of us, and it was fun trying to guess what each dessert was according to the menu. To top of the evening, each of us were given a mini chocolate cake to take home .... I havent tried it yet as it looks too rich and I'm too stuffed to eat anymore tonite...

Eat Inc

A couple of us have set up this website called Eat Inc which incidentally sounds like 'eating'. It's a site dedicated to FOOD. The main objective is to recommend places that we have gone to eat or have successfully cooked at home. There's a couple of Eat Inc 'branches'. So far, Singapore, Malaysia and Perth. Hopefully in time to come we will be able to branch out more and offer a wider variety of food choices on the site. The site is slowing being developed with the help of Twelve Baskets so be patient if you do drop by the site and give us any positive and creative criticisms so that we can make your visit a happier one.

Whistle While You Work.....

The last couple of weeks has just flown by, I'm now into my 4th week at my new job and so far I'm loving it. OK people who know I usually whinge by now, you would be surprised I haven't whinged yet. The people are easy going to work with, as long as I get my work done. They actually listen to opinions and adopt any good ideas that you have. I get to set protocols as to how I like things done. The plus is that we have this great kitchen at work, so last week I cooked laksa and this week, chicken curry is on the menu. Oh and SJ and I have similar taste buds (not bad for a kuai -lo) so every now and then he buys us afternoon teas, pies and scones. Very sneaky, coz it means I have to go to the gym a little bit more often. Another good thing is I get encouraged to go to the gym as well....

07 May 2006

Striked Out

Singaporeans went to vote yesterday and since I'm not in Singapore and since I didnt fly to Canberra (yeah right!) to cast my vote.... I've been striked off the Electors list... yay!! It doesnt make of a difference to me... hopefully, I'll not have to vote in Singapore it's a waste of time.....

01 May 2006

Speak Well Speak Up Speak Out

My bro and I did this test on the weekend thinking that we could participate in the challenge only to realise that the challenge was for2005! We were both pretty impressed with ourselves at our score as we did it in one attempt!! I stumbled onto this Speak Good English website some time ago and it was part of the Speak Good English movement that the homeland was trying to promote last year. I dont think it worked though just looking at some of the Singapore blogs that are on cyberspace. This movement is highly overdue as there is a need to improve some of the pronunciation and grammar usage by the inhabitants of the homeland. How ironical though to have a Speak Good English campaign, as I remember when I was growing up, they had the Speak Mandarin Campaign! Although that campaign didnt quite work on me.

Anyway, I recommend this website, it has mini quizzes for you to take to see how good your grammar is and the pronunciation.... also has lessons on how to improve your English... this is something that should be looked at if the homeland strives to be a global centre for businesses.... and people would stop pronouncing vegetables as ve-ge-ta-bles.....