29 June 2005

the one who acts her age *ahem*

You Are 26 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

23 June 2005

the one with the birthday

Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Yup... today's my birthday. Going to be eating alot - which is what I enjoy with friends and surrogate families. Let's hope it'll a good one :-)

18 June 2005

the one who really needs to get the brains checked

OK... after months of 'nagging' from my dad ... or should I say years...?? I have finally decided to do something proactive and did some research on how to enrol for a CA program. But it looks like a very very long process.... thanks to my big roundabout way of studying what I studied before. But I suppose as what dad says - it's not how you do it, it's as long as you get there.

So let's see, I have to do a 'conversion' course - which probably entails me having to go back to uni to do a few core courses and then I can commence on the CA program. This I anticipate will take me 5 YEARS!!!! Then I become a confirmed bean counter... how did I end up in this profession?

Needless to say, my friends are laughing at me, saying that if I do get a CA they will throw a very big party for me..... and so, the pursuit for excellence continues .....

09 June 2005

the one who is apprehensive

So I got another piece of news.... he who must not be named is apparently back in town. When I heard the news, my heart immediately sunk and I felt lousy. But I kind of knew that he was back coz he was online again. All I want to do now is hide in the house and be a hermit so that I will not bump into him and remain in the house until I know he has left again. No one knows where he lives, so I could easily bump into him at the shops here if he is still living in the same area.

But I think to myself, should I allow him to make me feel this way. How is it that you can be with a person for 6.5 years and can now make you feel nothing but disgust and just so uncomfortable. Tonight when I did a little bit of shopping, I could feel my eyes just darting here and there to see if he was around.....

I refuse to allow myself to be intimidated by him but one cannot help but be paranoid and be on my guard..... it's just so scary.... what if he knocks on my door one day or I bump into him.... I want my MUMMY & DADDY!!!

08 June 2005

the one with the news

The biggest news I got today down the grapevine is that my ex-big boss has resigned. It was pretty shocking at first and I very gleefully told a few of my other ex-colleagues.... but when more news came down as to why she resigned, I suppose it made sense. Afterall, she is in a male dominated company and they wouldn't promote her any higher.

CB and I actually hope that our exit questionnaire had something to do with it. We can only hope, as we will not know her real reason.

Even though towards the end of my work there she started to be a very knarky b**** to me, I have to admire her for being the only female principal in this very male dominated firm. Initially, when she came into our department, I really thought she was a nice person - amazingly I even told her so in a department training session. Boy was I wrong.... she turned out to be mega B and totally blind to what some of the other staff was doing behind her back and in front of her - plus she had pretty bad managerial skills.... if only the firm would look at the staff turnover of her department and realise that all the good people have left (ahem... including me!). Oh and she had her favourites, after I resigned I found out that she didnt quite like me... but hey ... that's life, I didnt quite like her either. Maybe becoz I didnt like her favourites..... and created too much chaos for her (like protesting over the forced 10 hour days) ... but hey at the end of the day, I still did my work, and I know I did my work good... despite what she may think.

Maybe one day our paths may cross and we will not have a boss/employee relationship and perhaps be friends - but that is highly unlikely. And I am so refraining from mentioning the many speculations that the staff has with her marriage with another principal in the firm....but we have our suspicions. Here's to you JS, as much as I don't like you and you didnt like me and was a crappy manager in the department, I have to admire you for being the only female principal in the firm. And though you had aspirations to be made partner, did you really think they would make you a partner whilst you are only working part time??

07 June 2005

the one with the middle brain

One day my brother asked me if I was more left brained or right brained, thinking he was asking a trick question I replied I'm in the middle.... to which he laughed and said the middle is kind of empty..... however, check out the test below... I think I've just proved him wrong :P

You Are 50% Left Brained, 50% Right Brained

The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.

06 June 2005

the one doing nothing

Yup..... the title says it all.... I have been an absolute slacker this weekend.... but I partly blame it on the weather.... it's been cloudy and on the verge of rain. The weather forecasts keeps saying it will rain, and thunderstorm and so I've been waiting. Given my love and fasincation for thunderstorms I've been waiting and waiting.

Thunderstorms brings back a few memories for me. Once we were in Tulsa and there was a tornado/hurricane approaching and people were sitting in the lobby looking at the sky at the lightning. It was absolutely amazing to see lightning flashing across a clear sky. Another, was my brother and I playing in the rain one wet and rainy afternoon back in Singapore and nearly got caught by mum......

Of course with a thunderstorm you should be cuddled up in bed or in front of the heater on the sofa with a special someone. Alas, there is no such person in my life.... so for now, I make do with 2 dogs - who happens to occupies more space than I do on the sofa.

04 June 2005

the one waiting for dinner

I think whilst this is all new to me, I will post quite a bit... but once this dies down let's see how we go with the posts.

I am currently waiting for my dinner. Many many moons ago, my friend Ray offered to cook Apricot Chicken Curry for me and my friend Yonni. Many many moons later, he's agreed to cook it. The only deal is that I cook the rice as I don't believe in microve rice. If anyone else has other opinions on rice cooked in a rice cooker, over the stove or in a microwave, I'll be happy to hear from them

On another happy note, my 3rd auntie is rumoured to be moving back to Perth by the end of the year with her family .... back to good home cooking food..... family support around me ...... and having babysitters for my dogs :)

the one that succumbed

I have finally succumbed to the pressures of having a blog. I really am not too sure what I will be posting in here...... but .... only time will tell how inspirational I can get and start writing decent blogs.

Meanwhile, it's a Saturday, it's the long weekend - the last one till September!! :( and I've decided to be a couch potatoe this weekend and watch all seasons of Sex and the City on DVD

This 'nickname' that I have chosen is not any of my usual nick names that I've been using around the internet world. Thanks to my brother for suggesting it and let's see if anyone can guess why I chose this name.