23 November 2006

Books & Perfumes

I know I've been slack in updating this blog. Too many things have been happening... all good though :) A lot of eating parties and get together with friends before the leave Perth for an extended long holiday, or some they're going back to get married. At the moment, I have my aunt bunking in with me, my mum arrives next week and dad follows suit shortly after. So I'll be busy with the folks... social life will be at a stand still for the time being...

Anyway, I've been obsessed with books and perfumes the last couple of weeks. In a span of 2 weeks I have bought 5 (or is it 6?) fiction books and 2 Jamie Oliver cookbooks... I'm kind of excited with the Jamie Oliver cookbooks as one of them has a recipe for Yorkshire pudding!! :) And I absolutely love Yorkshire pudding!! :) Hopefully next year I'll venture into a different type of cooking as well..... trying out the Jamie Oliver recipes :)

As for perfumes, I've been hanging out at the perfume shops and departmental stores, spraying samples and smelling them. Gave me a headache after a while. So far, I got the D&G Light Blue (courtesy of my aunt), and the CK Summer (the bottle is so so cool!) I want to buy one more bottle and am currently debating betweeen the Armani Code or the DKNY Red Delicious. Decisions decisions... my rationale is that I havent bought this much perfume since my uni days :)

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