29 November 2006

Winery Cruise

Yesterday, our office was invited to a winery cruise hosted by one of the financial planning companies that deals alot of their investments with us. There were approximately 50 of us and most were their high net worth clients (and also our investors) and suppliers. SJ and I 'scored' a thank-you mention by the host when he was giving the speech... and me being the only chinese on board made it easier for people to spot me. The food was pretty good I thought - well there were prawns and a pretty good vegeterian lasagne and free flow of wine :)

We also did a wine tasting at one of the wineries and I tried the Rose wine which smelt like Ribena... even tasted a little like Ribena.... the dessert wine was good though... nice and sweet :)

The sucky bit was trying to get back to the office after the function - there were no taxis :( and then when we finally caught a taxi from the Hilton (after taking the blue cat bus out of the bell tower) the taxi driver was a grump!! He accused me of not being careful and hitting the car door on the roadside bench... like hello... didnt he realise how bloody windy it was as well???

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