31 July 2006

Good things comes in Threes

After being a grump last week, the rest of the week was exciting and busy (?) ... I should have posted this last week as it's been on my mind to do so... but time didn't permit.... Anyway, here's the 3 good stuff that happened and it all happened on the same day :o)

The first is that I am now officially a free woman and I have the papers to prove it :-P Even though I shouldn't be proud of this piece of paper, but it makes me a free woman. It's been a long and tedious journey to get to with a lot of support from family and friends and not forgetting the Big Boss above.... Secondly, had a great time at dinner with TM..... yeah... we had dinner and bourbon and cokes again!! Finally, RT called me up and I was so excited. I seriously thought I had lost contact with RT coz he some what disappeared from the face of the earth (well OK I knew he was being posted overseas for a couple of months but we lost touch - it was his fault!!). Anyways, he dropped in for a couple of drinks and we caught up with what has happened with life over the last half year. This also means I have my aqua buddy back so no more excuses for not going to aqua classes anymore... :o)

24 July 2006


I'm grumpy.... just in case the people I'm grumpy with reads this blog, I cant say who or why I'm grumpy. But you would think people would have abit more consideration.....

Rainy, Gusty Winds, Cloudy Skies....

So today's weather had a severe weather warning, with strong winds, rain and of course cloudiness. When I described the weather to my pal LKP, he said it reminded him of Edinburgh... and how living in Edinburgh was like one of the best times of his life... and I would concur with him and I think most of the HWSRC gang would agree as well. Time really flies, 10 years ago this month we all graduated from HWU. 10 years on, most have kids, careers and living in different countries. Top of the list are the Bean Family, they have 4 kids and one more on the way - they can pretty much have a basketball team. The rest are a little more normal, with 1 or 2 kids... and LKP has a baby girl on the way...

If the weather continues like this, it'll make me nostalgic and who knows, I might start posting what we used to do at uni.... but the top 10 memories are (in no particular order)

1. Graduation Ceremony, Sunken Garden Party, Throwing caps in the air in Princes Street Gardens
2. Playing with fireworks during Chinese New Year in the middle of the night in winter... oh and throwing
oranges in the loch as well
3. Snow fights, making snow families, sliding down sunken garden in trash bags.
4. Getting in trouble with the warden for making too much noise in my room with like 10 people squashed in
5. Drinking at the pub, Doctors and everywhere else on Grassmarket and in HWU
6. Cooking, eating, more cooking, more eating
7. Hogmany
8. Driving to Manchester to watch Jacky Cheung concert and driving back in the middle of the night. Not that
I understood much of what was going on in the concert
9. Going out for suppers just on the eve of my exams in the middle of the night (dont tell dad!)
10. Making friends and forming HWSRC

16 July 2006

The week started .....

My week started pretty good (I got a new sofa) and it got a little bad (when the sofa delivery stuffed up), then it went satisfying (coz it was hospital ministry week & Ikea apologised for sofa stuff up) and then it stuffed up again (when the carpet people and I had a miscommunication in the time they were coming in to clean my carpets). But.... the week ended great!!!

I met a new friend, TM and he's such a great guy.... we went out for lunch at the Vic. It was suppose to be a lunch and a drink... yeah right :P A lunch and a couple of bourbon and cokes later (well, CC & Coke for TM), we continued drinking at the office, and then dinner and drinking at KM's and then to Carnegies where we had TC's farewell and met the rest of the ex bird crew. Incidentally, it was dinner at KM's new house which is absolutely gorgeous :-)

Anyway, 11 (eleven) hours after TM & I started drinking, we stopped drinking at midnight.... that's like approximately 15 bourbon and cokes of varying sizes and amounts... I have to admit I lost count after a while....

13 July 2006

Score 1 for Me

Well, to continue on with my sofa saga, the delivery guys called at 3pm to say that they would be at the house in 45 mins to an hour. We got back at 4pm and it didnt arrive till 4.30pm! At least it finally got delivered.... BUT to add insult to injury, the bottom of the sofa had a tear!!! AAARRRGGGGHHH!!! EC and I had to decide if we wanted to call Ikea or not to ask for a new sofa but we decided against it.

Had my whinge to mum and dad as well and dad suggested I write in to complain. So I wrote in last night continuing from my earlier emails and telling them abt the tear. Earlier on today, the supervisor at Ikea called to pacify me (well I've actually cooled down anyway and the sofa was really comfy last nite) and offered to pay me back for the delivery charges and a new sofa. I declined the new sofa so we came to an agreement that he'll give me vouchers for the delivery charges and for the tear in the sofa.... :) :) :)

Now I have another excuse to drop into Ikea to buy some more stuff :)

12 July 2006

Ikea Delivery Sucks

On Monday, I got a sofa from Ikea and arranged to have it delivered. It was a rip off when at the delivery desk I got told to pay $60 for the delivery when only a couple of days ago, when I got the washing machine, I only paid $30. Anyway, totally BP, so had to pay $60.

Anyway, at the delivery desk @ Ikea, the knick knock of the guy there said to call a certain number after 9am on Wednesday as delivery would be on Wednesday. At 9am this morning, I called the number and then the same knick knock, gave me another number to call. When I called the other number given, IT WAS SWITCHED OFF! How spastic is that - to be a delivery company and still have the phone switched off? So I called the knick knock guy again to say the phone number he gave is switched off and the knick knock guy said that he cannot do anything about it. What a load of croc! So I got pissed off and called Ikea Customer Service, and I dont know why it's called Customer Service when they werent very helpful at all. The girl told me that they were loading the truck, so not answering the phone. So I said to her if they're loading the truck, why can't she go and ask them what time they can deliver my furniture, and then she said that they dont work for Ikea and they are at another warehouse. So, I wonder if she's psychic?? She then basically told me that I have to wait until the phone is switched on. I know this place is WA aka for Wait Awhile, but seriously, this was getting abit ridiculous. Here's a quote from the Ikea website that says:

"Our Customer Services departments will endeavour to resolve any issue to your satisfaction. "

What bull! I was also that I could write in to lodge a complain - which I did obviously. I also asked if I would get a reply - and I was told Yes. But heh.... surprise surprise, I havent got a reply yet!

Finally got thru to the delivery guy @ 10am who told me that they were going to deliver my furniture between 12.30 and 1pm - but they'll call an hour before arriving. So it's all good - or so I thought!! It went past 12.30 and still no call, so I called again and another guy said that the first guy who told me 12.30 - 1pm shouldnt have said that and instead it will be at 3pm!!!! Like What the F**K!

Update - 2.45pm
Well it's now almost 3pm, and I just called and asked if it's coming and I've just been told it will be in abt 1.5 hours - which makes it 4.30pm!!! And I should just wait and they will call me an hour before they get to my place.... Do they actually think people have got time to just wait all day?

08 July 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean

Went to watch the latest Pirates of Carribbean movie last night with SLB, PB, my brother and me. I enjoyed the movie - pirates lingo is a little hard to comprehend at times, but the SFX was all good. I can't comment on the ending - there wasn't one!!!!

Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?

07 July 2006

Haven't done this in a while

Lately I haven't come across any weirdos (to put it mildly) on the net, but came across one this afternoon and I thought I should post it for the hell of it :-) and Hopefully he had deleted himself of ICQ - we don't need another one like him around!!

JBoy (ICQ NUMBER: 292-120-989) :

When are we catching up?


do i even know u?

JBoy (02:48 PM) :

Not yet, I'm a friend you haven't met yet.


so why would i want to catch up with u then if i dont know who u are?

JBoy (02:53 PM) :

Because I'm a nice person and maybe we were meant for each other. But we won't find out until we get to know each other.


so maybe u should get to know me first even b4 asking me out that was pretty rude

JBoy (02:55 PM) :

Or are you pretty rude for taking such a negative attitude to a lovely gesture to get to know somebody?


says the person who doesnt even say hi but very straight forwardly asks when we can meet up

JBoy (02:58 PM) :

We've actually been chatting for 3 days now, obviously you don't remember. I'm thinking of deleting icq anyway. After a week of using it, I don't think I like the sort of people I've been meeting on here.


3 days?

JBoy (02:58 PM) :



doubt it

JBoy (02:59 PM) :

Like I said, I don't think I like the sort of people I've been meeting on here.

JBoy (03:00 PM) :

If you're an example of the kind of "friendliness" I'm going to be experiencing on icq, I think I'll delete it right now...



JBoy (03:02 PM) :

Just some advice for your profile: Where it says "Generally an easy going person to talk to " you might want to change to "a real bitch" Bye.