01 March 2006

Kindergarten vs Work

I want to have a whinge, a big mega whinge. I'm beginning to see that I dont go to work everyday, rather I go to kindy. I get told what to do, when to do it and have got no freedom of speech or decisions. I also have a 'uniform' to wear. OK, so how did I come to these conclusions? Read on..

First the uniform. Apparently we have to wear stockings to work... regardless of weather or seasons. What era do they think we're living in? Do they know how hot it is to be wearing stockings in 38 degrees Celcius? Besides, low lifes like us dont have to meet clients nor do clients come into our secluded office much so why do we have to wear stockings? Last week, the HR manager came to our office to steady the ship (as we had 2 resignations in 2 weeks - which I thought was pretty cool)... Anyway, she came in to have a chat with me and noticed that I had walked around the office bare footed... like hello, it's bad enough having to be in heels all the time!! Then she saw that I was sitting cross legged on my chair and I wasnt wearing stockings!! Goodness, she nearly died of shock, kept asking where were my stockings and if I did wear stockings to work!! Thinking fast I told her that I did wear stockings that day but my stockings had a tear so I had to throw it away... Phew... close shave ....

Secondly, being told what to do. Remember in school when we were told what we had to do and when we had to finish it by and how to do it?? Exactly how we're being treated at the moment. Everyday we HAVE to finish our timesheet and we HAVE to update our job register and we get a whack of the cane if we don't do it. Today I got a 'nice' email abt time management. Is it not good enough that I am being forced to hit 85% productivity every week but now I'm being told how to manage my time? I think at uni we were given better time management than this! Funny thing is, the person who sent me that email is a good half a decade younger than me and what does she know abt time management when she doesnt even do half the things she tells us she will do!?!? Alas, she doesnt get into trouble for that as she's the apple of Wong Ah Ma's eye.

Finally, the backstabbing and bitchiness and politics and unfairness that's going around. After number 1 sent me that wonderful time management email, she IM number 2 and told her what she just sent to me and that I'll probably start complaining to Number 2 abt it and she tried to get on Number 2's good books by telling her that all she (Number 1) is doing is trying to help me... yeah right... doesn't she know that we see her a double agent? I mean she acts all nice with us, gets us to tell her what we think and feel and then she runs off to Wong Ah Ma with the stories! The stupid thing is that we get all these waste of time emails to do all these bloody admin stuff when Number 1 doesnt get questioned by Wong Ah Ma that she has abt 25 review files sitting for her to review our work whilst she wastes all these time getting us to update all sorts of rubbish and no one asks her why she hasnt reviewed these 25 files... how unfair is that? I think these people need to go for some management classes....

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