31 March 2006

Good Stuff

God answers prayers in the strangest ways. I asked Him to open doors for me as he sees fit and then presto...I get a new job totally different to what i'm doing now yet at the same time relevant to my studies.... yiippeee.... I'm just so happy to get out of the hell hole. Here are the top 10 reasons why

1. No more impossible productivity targets and chargeables for me to meet
2. No more being treated like a child in kindy being told very sternly what can and cannot be done
3. No more forced and unnecessary over time and having to account for every 6 minutes of my day
4. No more being asked by a non comprehending dolt of a boss if I REALLY have to go to the airport to pick my parents up
5. No more having to wear stockings, closed toe shoes, and play conservative dress up
6. No more having to be stressed about getting to work on time, stressed about taking time off, or even stressed about asking to start a little later or leave a little earlier
7. No more being paranoid that the secretary and bosses are reading our emails and being told by the secretary that I'm a F*****G Idiot
8. No more knowing that when the boss praises you, it's not sincere as she believes that once she gives me a praise, I slack off as I think I've earned brownie points
9. No more 6 monthly reviews
10. No more having to deal with 2 faced people who tells you that they are helping you and goes behind your back and gets you into trouble with the boss

and Yes I promise this time I will try and stay in this job for a longer period of time :)

27 March 2006

A New Life Begins

My brother officially moves to Perth tomorrow to continue with his studies... and will be living with me for the next few years.. I think it would be a pretty awesome/strange/wicked experience. In the last 12 years, I've only 'lived' with him for 2 years while I was back home and working there. Since then, he and I have been living in extreme ends of the northern and southern hemisphere. Of course there have been times when we were back home together for holidays, but at holidays, everything is all just fun.

The food ministry aka YA3 will now have a new member :) We did say that we dont want to have a doctor in the ministry, but for my brother and other future members, as long as they are not a medical doctor that practices medicine, we'll allow them to join us.

Alot of people have asked me if my brother and I get along... I suppose we do... our friends hang out together when we're back home... but we're now both grown ups so maybe abit of adjustment on both our sides to get adjusted to.

I think I have to be mindful of the chores that we have to do... I dont really want my old man to complain to me that I 'bully' my brother. But really, I only get him to do all the man chores... then again... he says in his blog that he's coming here to a life of hardwork and household chores...

23 March 2006

Work just sucks more and more.....

I know I keep whinging about work but really work just gets from bad to worse. There's a rumour going on this week that we're abt to get uniforms to wear... IF I was in a service industry, constantly meeting people and clients, I can understand the need for uniforms to represent the company... but we hardly see anyone nor have any clients come into our office... and we have to wear uniforms?? Good grief...

Last week I scored a brownie point by doing an almost perfect file and I got 'praised'.... later on I found out that my satay doesnt like giving me compliments and praises as she feels that each time she gives me a compliment or a praise, I slack off thinking that I can be abit slack now that I've achieved some brownie points... that obviously pissed me off... but earlier on this week, I queried a client over a transaction on his bank statement which as work goes, it was my satay who had to ask the client abt this transactions coz low lifes like us are not allowed to speak to clients... and it turns out that it was a transaction that could have been easily recognised had I looked at the tax portal - well in the first place, the person who made the deposit into the bank account should have narrated the transaction better!!! Anyway, I got a blasting from my satay asking if I actually go thru the processing instructions and if I had, I would have picked up the transaction in the tax portal.... So I admitted that I dont use the processing instructions... Hey I'm a Pro at what I do so why should I?? Anyway, today I thought I will have a search for this processing instructions to see what the big deal is all about and I found out that it actually doesnt exist on our database but on the lap top of Number 1!!! Like Hello... how the f**k am I suppose follow these instructions if they are not readily available to staff??? Just coz the client that I requested this query from is some high flyer in some bank... he's being treated like a god... I think the bosses fail to realise that people do make mistakes.... to top it off, I later found out that satay made an error with some pension calculations as she used the wrong date of birth for one of the clients, and in that process, they had taken out excess pension money for the year... HAHAHAHAH!! She stuffed up!! So nobody's perfect, but I'm sure she will find some excuse to justify her for that.

Another guy at work got told that he works too slow and he needs to work faster - especially in the processing. Do they think we're robots now? He's only been with us for slightly over 2 months and has to learn so much new stuff and yet they expect him to work faster... and to make matters worse, they've changed his seating as well to be just outside the bosses office so that they can keep an eye on him...that's just so pathetic.

And of course, the bosses have their favourites, so no matter what any of their favourites does and does not achieve, they are excused and spoken for by the bosses... but the underdogs and low lifes like us who are constantly under the hate radar, whatever we do or dont achieve, we get blamed for it


22 March 2006

Congratulations Delise!!

Delise graduated last nite from UWA and we were there to witness it with her. Great job Delise!!! We kind of crashed in on the post ceremony celebrations ... free food and free wine... after that we headed on to Northbridge for supper... ultra tired as got home and slept at 1am but it was well worth it spending the time with her.

Delise leaves for Singapore on Thursday... *sob sob* so tomorrow night we're having a party for her... not so much as a farewell party but a party to celebrate her achievements and our looking forward to her return in a couple of weeks.

19 March 2006

Dim Sum

There are certain 'must eat' things when one goes for dim sum... let's see.. there's the prawn and char siew chee cheong fun, there's the 'dan tart' (egg tart), pan fried radish cake and har kow. Once these are served to me, not matter in how big a serving, I am satisfied... and, I just had that for lunch :)

There's an eating crew starting to form between myself and some the younger generation at church - namely Delise, Calvin and Tim. It's great fun. For some reason, I actually prefer hanging out with these bunch of people rather than ... CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED ...

Anyway, we talked abt forming a eating and food ministry and our aim is to meet and eat. I know we're gluts ..... :) But it might be worth giving this some serious thought if we can also include perhaps helping out shelters to provide food and stuff to the homeless and needy. If eating is our passion and we are able to eat, wouldnt it be great to share eating with the rest of the world that has trouble looking for food?

16 March 2006

Buffy Puppies (4)

The puppies are growing.... their eyes have opened and their noses are turning black. At first I thought they had contracted some strange disease... then I realised dogs have black noses!! Duh!! They've now started to 'crawl' and can now 'sit up'. I'm having a hard time trying to decide if I do want to keep one of the puppies or not. Part of me do, and part of me don't. They've also outgrown their play box, so I need to find another play box for them....

11 March 2006

After crossing hump day

Thursday at work was pretty stressful. I had my 'review' meeting with satay, number 1 and the HR manager. They said that they were pretty happy with my performance and the usual crappy bullshit stuff..blah blah blah.... But hey did I have a choice? They forcefully imposed me a couple of stuff that I had to do and face consequences if I didnt, so what bloody choice did I have? To top things off, they wanna see me in a months' time again. I'm sick and tired of being under their radar and I dont agree to number 1 being in all these confidential meetings between satay and the HR manager and myself. She cant even handle being a effective manager herself so really, I think they need to be speaking to her as well.

Thursday night, had dinner at home with IRC and we had chilli mussels cooked by yours truly so obviously, I'll say that it was pretty yummy :) We watched a couple of dvds as well and had a couple of drinks - a pretty good night catching up with a friend. On Friday after lunch with DiG, we did a little therapy shopping... and I think I got a bargain... Got a pair of Hush Puppies shoes for $50 down from $100!! How cool is that!?!?!

Weekend is here again, was meant to go to KM's place for dinner tonite but that got cancelled, but it's all good, just means I get to read my book and vegetate a little bit more .... KM and I are on the prowl for a new job ....

08 March 2006


Autumn officially started last week... however, the weather is still in the high 30s degrees C, today for example was 36 degrees C... the air conditioner is on almost 24/7...the insects are still everywhere... I'm sick of seeing flies, ants, strange bugs around the house... it's still so summery... The only thing that makes one know that it isnt quite summer anymore is that the sun has started to set by 7pm. Bring on the cooler weather!!

06 March 2006

I couldn't resist this one....

this guy thinks he's an italian stallion! this just makes it so hilarious that there are people who think so highly of themselves out there! :)

140-734-193 (08:20 PM) :
wanna make love honey..
ME (08:24 PM) :
do u actually expect someone to say yes?
hero (08:24 PM) :
most say yes
hero (08:25 PM) :
22 cm n huge
ME (09:03 PM) :
hero (09:04 PM) :
do u have msn
ME(09:04 PM) :
hero (09:04 PM) :
u could see
ME (09:04 PM) :
i'm not as sick as u
hero (09:04 PM) :
22 cm n huge
ME (09:12 PM) :
hero (09:25 PM) :
so what u want
ME (09:36 PM) :

05 March 2006

Another Dumb Chat

This chat just proves what Singapore men are like - well some of them I guess.

dave (11:31 PM) (ICQ 203-897-052):
Hi, are you in perth?
ME (11:32 PM) :
ME (11:32 PM) :
havent we spoken b4?
dave (11:32 PM) :
i dont think so, i am a singapore airlines pilot anyway, and will be flying to perth soon, you like to chat?

ME(11:33 PM) :
dave (11:34 PM) :
how old are you and what do you do?
ME (11:34 PM) :
ME (11:34 PM) :
dave (11:34 PM) :
as in insurance? and unit trust financial planning etc?
ME(11:35 PM) :
as in SMSF
dave (11:36 PM) :
nice, i am dave, what is your name?
ME (11:38 PM) :
dave (11:38 PM) :
nice to meet you lin, where are you from originally?
ME (11:38 PM) :
ME(11:38 PM) :
and all this u're asking is in my profile
dave (11:39 PM) :
ok sorry
dave (11:39 PM) :
are you married?
ME (11:40 PM) :
dave (11:40 PM) :
do you have a picture?
ME (11:41 PM) :
dave (11:42 PM) :
can you describe how you look like?
dave (11:46 PM) :
you there
dave (11:51 PM) :
ME(11:52 PM) :
dont u have any more original questions to ask then the usual wat do u look like questions? it gets kind of boring
dave (11:52 PM) :
ok, i fly to perth soon, i like to meet you if you are attractive?
ME (11:53 PM) :
that's even more lame
Asian Princess (11:53 PM) :

01 March 2006

Buffy's Puppies (3)

Buffy's Puppies  Posted by Picasa

Kindergarten vs Work

I want to have a whinge, a big mega whinge. I'm beginning to see that I dont go to work everyday, rather I go to kindy. I get told what to do, when to do it and have got no freedom of speech or decisions. I also have a 'uniform' to wear. OK, so how did I come to these conclusions? Read on..

First the uniform. Apparently we have to wear stockings to work... regardless of weather or seasons. What era do they think we're living in? Do they know how hot it is to be wearing stockings in 38 degrees Celcius? Besides, low lifes like us dont have to meet clients nor do clients come into our secluded office much so why do we have to wear stockings? Last week, the HR manager came to our office to steady the ship (as we had 2 resignations in 2 weeks - which I thought was pretty cool)... Anyway, she came in to have a chat with me and noticed that I had walked around the office bare footed... like hello, it's bad enough having to be in heels all the time!! Then she saw that I was sitting cross legged on my chair and I wasnt wearing stockings!! Goodness, she nearly died of shock, kept asking where were my stockings and if I did wear stockings to work!! Thinking fast I told her that I did wear stockings that day but my stockings had a tear so I had to throw it away... Phew... close shave ....

Secondly, being told what to do. Remember in school when we were told what we had to do and when we had to finish it by and how to do it?? Exactly how we're being treated at the moment. Everyday we HAVE to finish our timesheet and we HAVE to update our job register and we get a whack of the cane if we don't do it. Today I got a 'nice' email abt time management. Is it not good enough that I am being forced to hit 85% productivity every week but now I'm being told how to manage my time? I think at uni we were given better time management than this! Funny thing is, the person who sent me that email is a good half a decade younger than me and what does she know abt time management when she doesnt even do half the things she tells us she will do!?!? Alas, she doesnt get into trouble for that as she's the apple of Wong Ah Ma's eye.

Finally, the backstabbing and bitchiness and politics and unfairness that's going around. After number 1 sent me that wonderful time management email, she IM number 2 and told her what she just sent to me and that I'll probably start complaining to Number 2 abt it and she tried to get on Number 2's good books by telling her that all she (Number 1) is doing is trying to help me... yeah right... doesn't she know that we see her a double agent? I mean she acts all nice with us, gets us to tell her what we think and feel and then she runs off to Wong Ah Ma with the stories! The stupid thing is that we get all these waste of time emails to do all these bloody admin stuff when Number 1 doesnt get questioned by Wong Ah Ma that she has abt 25 review files sitting for her to review our work whilst she wastes all these time getting us to update all sorts of rubbish and no one asks her why she hasnt reviewed these 25 files... how unfair is that? I think these people need to go for some management classes....