23 April 2007

10 April 2007

Easter 2007

Happy Easter Everyone....

It was one of my better Easters in recent years... had it pretty full on for the first 3 days of the long weekend and then pure vegetation on Easter Monday....

On Good Friday, we went for an early service (surprise surprise) at Riverview and then to breakfast. The service had a piece of jig saw puzzle on stage and then it was broken.... reminding us that Christ was broken for us... In the afternoon, my brother and I decided to visit the Avon Valley National Park - after getting lost for a bit, we eventually found our way there and I had an experience with a lizard... a BIG one... for those who know me, knows that I absolutely detests reptiles... in any shape or form... so a loud yell was heard throughout the National Park.... After the hard work at the National Park, we realised that we were pretty close to the Farm where the youth from church was having their youth camp so there we went for a feed... and a good feed it was :)

On Saturday, I decided to be ambitious and decided to cook popiah for my friends... I havent done it in a while (last time was probably in Edinburgh!) but I think it went ok... well everyone is still alive... :)

Easter Sunday was the highlight... TC flew in for a short visit from Melbourne and us girls decided to catch up... since I have always been taught that a picture is worth a thousand words, I'm attaching photos and well it can be seen we all had an extremely awesome night!!

03 April 2007

Play Time & Pink

Hhhmm... it's always play time for me but this time round, I'm planning to head back home for a couple of weeks, hopefully my birthday weekend so that WY and I can celebrate our birthdays together for once. We're also thinking of heading on to BKK or Vietnam for a couple of days of R & R (more like eating and shopping).... can't wait...

On another note, I streaked my hair pink again :) Think I might try purple the next time round...

All Jazzed Up

A couple of weeks ago, CY, my bro and myself decided to check out the Perth Jazz Society gigs. So we found ourselves at the Hyde Park Hotel on a Monday night, listening to Elle Deslandes Sextet and totally enjoying ourselves. Last night, we headed there once again to listen to some really cool piano playing by Mat Jodrell & Konrad Paszkudzki presenting the songs of the Ray Brown Trio. I have to say the finale was really cool when the 2 pianists took turns to play on the piano for their encore.

Funnily enough, we've mentioned to some of our friends that we went to listen to the jazz and a couple of them have surprised us and 'admitted' that they are jazz enthusiasts... however.... we have yet to see...

10 March 2007

Fiddler on the Roof

Headed to Burswood to watch this musical and it was absolutely excellent! On our way there, I did mention to my bro that I was absolutely excited to watch this musical - reason being was that my dad had gone to see the musical in London ages and ages ago, and told me all about it. Later on, dad got me to watch the movie... roll forward decades later and hey I'm gonna get to watch the musical production too and with Topol as the lead! Topol was fantastic as the father - I think the musical is way better than the movie and somehow, the jokes were easier to catch on stage... or maybe I was too young to understand the jokes when I last watched the movie :P

07 March 2007

Woorooloo Retreat

So a group of approximately 27 of Twelve Stones boys and girls went to the Hill Top Farm in Woorooloo for the Labour Day weekend just past. I was put into a team with 3 other girls to prepare all the cooking - which I was looking forward to and had a great time working together with these 3 girls.

On the whole, the retreat was alright. We had some time of R & R time which we ventured to Lake Leschenaultia for a 3km hike. It actually felt longer than 3km, but the guys kept insisting it was 3km. The reward for the hike, we (about 8 of us) went to get a carton of booze to share amongst us!! The other bits were games, and workshops and night sessions with a focus on faith, evangelism and "Just Walk Across the Room".

The only negative impact I felt that was on this short break were a couple of girls from the other group. One of them just stood around with her husband, trying to look pretty. When people were carrying stuff out of my car on Friday night, she and her hubby just stood next to my car, as if they had some magical powers that the stuff in the boot would be carried into the chalets. Then she pulled a long face when she was giving cutting vegetables duty (good thing she wasnt part of the cooking team) and then when we were all cleaning up on the last day, she just stood in the kitchen with a cup in her hand pretending to drink and so she didnt help to clean up. Her husband the beaver is also just as hopeless... but we'll leave that one for now.

Another one made a remark to her boyfriend which was overheard by one of us.... that the retreat was filled with Asian food.... that was a very duh comment, as if she couldnt see that 99% of the people at the retreat were Asians - even though some were ABCs but hey all were from Asian descent!! Saturday and Sunday lunch was Asian but Saturday night was a BBQ and Sunday dinner was Italian!! It's not quite our fault that she went off with her boyfriend and some friends to KFC for dinner on Saturday night (I guess our BBQ wasnt good enough) or that she's suspectedly lactose intolerant and didnt tell us (the cooks) of her dietary needs!!! Oh and this same person when we were waiting to leave the farm for lunch on Monday after checking out, and the dogs were inside the chalet, she kept saying "Bad Dogs, Bad Dogs" to my 2 dogs, and for no apparent reason. The only reason I could think of was that she's OCD on cleanliness and totally childish. I mean she and another friend brought 13 soft toys to the retreat and they were there for only 2 nights!! Needless to say, the comments about my dogs pissed me off alot.

I think I better stop here, just in case these get read by people I don't like....

02 March 2007

Bible Quiz Time!!

You know the Bible 90%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

21 February 2007


I've realised that I've been a little slack in posting photos on this blog.... I've just been lazy to take my camera out... Guess I have to be a little bit more proactive in taking photos :)

19 February 2007

Gong Xi Fa Cai 2007

And so we usher in the year of the Pig.... we had a good time ushering it in... had a massive 10 course reunion dinner at JS & SS place... and ate to our hearts content. YSF said that because there was so much left over, it means that we will all have an abundant life this year.

Then for dinner on the first day, we had steamboat at my place... I attempted to make the Coca chilli dipping sauce and from what my guinea pigs said, they think it was almost like the real stuff...

To put a damper on our cheerful spirits, the house had an attempted break in while we were having dinner and the burglar tried to break in thru the front window (which is thru my room). We only found out about it when WL had to move his car and reaslied the broken window. I think a couple of things foiled the attempted break in, the dogs started barking, humans started yelling at the dogs and the window wasn't big enough for him to get in (unless if he was a kid or a woman).... Needless to say I'm now paranoid...

10 February 2007

Five years on....

This month (and maybe today) marks the fifth anniversary of my move to Perth from Sydney.... it was an arduous journey for the first couple of years, but I think the last 1-2 years, things have levelled of a bit. So what do I still like about Perth? Let's see... my dogs, the weather (ok I dont like temperatures in the 40s or below 10), the openess, the freedom, the food, the fact that I can drive around here and not take public transport, and the friends I've made. What I don't like about Perth... expensive shoes, boring bags, and the EARLY closing hours of the shops, especially the supermarkets!!!

08 February 2007


My brother and I pulled off this prank on our cousin ....

Dad told us that our cousin and her husband was going to do a presentation to his class at SMU on working together as a husband and wife team....So bro and I thought it'll be quite funny to hear what they have to say, so we suggested to dad to skype the web cam with us so that we will be able to watch them in action - abt 6pm perth time

So dad did and during their presentation, dad and I were sending sms to each other and my bro and I just kept laughing at what they said. So half way thru their presentation, bro and I thought of a question and sent a txt to my dad and said the perth contingent got a question to ask and the question is you seem to know quite abit abt businesses, has your family always had a business that you helped out in. So dad replied saying yes good training. So we kept insisting that he shd ask our cousin just for the fun of it.

So when it came to question and answer time, my dad said "The group of students at University of Western Australia would like to ask you a question ...." That just triggered off laughs from my brother and I .... the 2 of us make up the UWA students?? And the look on my cousin's face was classic coz apparently dad didn't tell them that they were bring broadcasted to Aust and that was dad's way of announcing to them they were being shown 'live' to Aust. BUT what made it funnier which we found out later was that my cousins didn't know it was us who asked the questions until later when my dad showed them the text message!!!

Classic.... pure classic....

02 February 2007

Book News

I was kind of sad when I read that Sidney Sheldon passed away. You can read his obituary here. He was the very first author that I got hooked onto when I was 13 (I think!) after I saw the mini series If Tomorrow Comes. I will miss reading his books. He will probably be well remembered for writing the tv series "I Dream of Jeannie".

And onto another news, the last Harry Potter book will be out July 21, 2007!!! Can't wait... might have to start reading the last few books to remind myself what has happened so far so I wont get so lost when I read the book. Have to remember to place an order (yes, there's a level of kiasuness here) ;) And so the countdown begins .....

22 January 2007

bis wir wieder treffen

Geez I hope I got the above right.... I tried using Babelfish to translate - Till We Meet Again.... Anyway, we held a farewell dinner for the Freys' on Saturday and had some of our other friends over as well. The Freys were friends of my brother but we managed to get along pretty well :) I will always remember going for dim sum with them and introducing them to chicken feet and century eggs. They left behind so much stuff .... but they also left behind some really good alcohol, so guess who got to inherit them? According to them, I drink pretty well for a non-German, and with a height like mine!! :P They will be fondly remembered.... and hopefully one day we will meet again :)

19 January 2007

2007 So Far....

Managed to see McNaught's Comet on Tuesday at Salter Point Park. Initially it was a little difficult to locate the comet - what we thought was the comet at first wasnt the comet :) It was also pretty cool that one of the people there had telescopes that we could have a better look at the comet. The telescope had to be adjusted a little as I was too short to reach the view finder :P The evening finished off with waffles :)

The last couple of weeks have seen me thru a feeling of xianess... seriously if the beginning of 2007 is already like this I'm not really looking forward to the rest of 2007 if my mood isnt going to change.

Trying to plan a holiday in June with my friends - every year we try and plan but every year one of us would change a job and then we're stuck with probation times... so let's hope for all our sakes that this year (or at least until June) we hold off changing jobs!

This weekend promises to be fun... going to try and cook some chilli crabs tonite - if I can find the crabs, tomorrow evening there's KM's birthday party and then there's a farewell party at my place for my bro's German friends who are leaving Perth for good. And... KR recommended that I read 'My Sisters Keeper' by Jodi Picoult and I can't seem to put the book down! And next week... is a 4 day week... YAY!! :)

09 January 2007

The Engine has yet to start....

I've been trying to get my engine started... to go to the gym, to be on time for work, etc etc... but it's so damn hard :(

My year so far started on a pretty positive note but the last couple of days has gone down a little which is affecting me a little on the emotional side. I'm hoping it'll improve soon. I hate feeling so crappy... it affects everything that I do. Maybe I need a Biorhythm Calculator :)

Last week I managed to catch the movie Borat with my bro and WL - I kind of skived of work on the basis that I needed to rest... but hey watching a movie is a form of rest :P I can't believe I actually went to watch the movie...