07 March 2007

Woorooloo Retreat

So a group of approximately 27 of Twelve Stones boys and girls went to the Hill Top Farm in Woorooloo for the Labour Day weekend just past. I was put into a team with 3 other girls to prepare all the cooking - which I was looking forward to and had a great time working together with these 3 girls.

On the whole, the retreat was alright. We had some time of R & R time which we ventured to Lake Leschenaultia for a 3km hike. It actually felt longer than 3km, but the guys kept insisting it was 3km. The reward for the hike, we (about 8 of us) went to get a carton of booze to share amongst us!! The other bits were games, and workshops and night sessions with a focus on faith, evangelism and "Just Walk Across the Room".

The only negative impact I felt that was on this short break were a couple of girls from the other group. One of them just stood around with her husband, trying to look pretty. When people were carrying stuff out of my car on Friday night, she and her hubby just stood next to my car, as if they had some magical powers that the stuff in the boot would be carried into the chalets. Then she pulled a long face when she was giving cutting vegetables duty (good thing she wasnt part of the cooking team) and then when we were all cleaning up on the last day, she just stood in the kitchen with a cup in her hand pretending to drink and so she didnt help to clean up. Her husband the beaver is also just as hopeless... but we'll leave that one for now.

Another one made a remark to her boyfriend which was overheard by one of us.... that the retreat was filled with Asian food.... that was a very duh comment, as if she couldnt see that 99% of the people at the retreat were Asians - even though some were ABCs but hey all were from Asian descent!! Saturday and Sunday lunch was Asian but Saturday night was a BBQ and Sunday dinner was Italian!! It's not quite our fault that she went off with her boyfriend and some friends to KFC for dinner on Saturday night (I guess our BBQ wasnt good enough) or that she's suspectedly lactose intolerant and didnt tell us (the cooks) of her dietary needs!!! Oh and this same person when we were waiting to leave the farm for lunch on Monday after checking out, and the dogs were inside the chalet, she kept saying "Bad Dogs, Bad Dogs" to my 2 dogs, and for no apparent reason. The only reason I could think of was that she's OCD on cleanliness and totally childish. I mean she and another friend brought 13 soft toys to the retreat and they were there for only 2 nights!! Needless to say, the comments about my dogs pissed me off alot.

I think I better stop here, just in case these get read by people I don't like....

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