07 April 2006

An Interesting Week

I've had a very interesting week that I should have posted as it went by but I was tired the last couple of nights... right now, I am pleasantly pissed after consuming 4 bourbon and cokes and a shot of something JR recommended with no dinner... and typing is not very easy at the moment!!!

So lets start of with Monday.... I handed in my resignation... where I got all the usual 'we are so disappointed' kind of crap... come on... do they actually think I believe that they are sorry to see me go?? They're probably jumping for joy! I just was pretty surprised to hear words like 'I'm not impressed with you', when like think about it, after all these months of unnecessary stress, do they actually think I would have stuck on?

Had a flu shot on Tuesday - no big deal but it was free so I thought what the heck, one more thing to scam off the company. However, as I was asked to tend to the phones on Tuesday whilst the rest of the people in the company went to play models for the day, I had a pretty good heart to heart chat with the IT guy, where I learnt some stuff.

On Thursday, I was asked by the HR Manager to reconsider my resignation. They apparently thought that I resigned coz I was asked to do my CA... like WTF... are they that dumb and so blind? Studying is the least of my worries... Anyway, I couldnt 'accept' their kind offer of a 6-12 month contract with no CA enforced onto me. BIG DEAL.... like what dad said to me, if I was to accept their offer what is to stop them from picking on me again? They may stop picking on me for a little while as they put their hate energy elsewhere but who knows within a month or two again, I'll be on their hate radar again. As always, dad always has a good point.

Thursday night, Calvin, my brother and I joined a multi church group to visit and sing to the patients at Holywood Hospital. I have to admit, it's one of the rare hospitals that I have visited that has no 'hospital smell'. There we sang and ministered to the sick patients with our singing. It was an experience. Some of the songs which we sung were from the days of old and it brought back memories. Managed to teach Calvin actions to Sunday School songs like "He's got the whole world in his hands"

Tonight, we (PG & JR and me) had to go for lawn bowling with the social club. Prior to going to the bowls, we ended up at the Rosemount and had a couple of drinks... that kind of helped us get thru lawn bowls. I swear, after a while, I have no idea what is going on. I think 10 pin bowling makes abit more sense.

I think it's time I foraged for some food in the pantry...

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