11 October 2006

Meeting with old friends...

Last night, my brother and I got invited to the Pastors house for dinner.... we had mee siam, roast pork, apple strudel and waffles. But more importantly, they had some very special visitors from Singapore - Pastors ST and MT .... they were only in Perth for one night as they had planned to travel down south from today until it's time for them to fly back.

I've known PST and PMT since I was a Missionettes girl... (gosh that's like a super long time ago!) and I haven't seen them for a very long time - could even be as long as since I've been to Oz as they've been travelling missionaries to India as well.

Anyway, it was a good evening catching up with them, talking abt old times, sharing jokes (courtesy of PST) , and playing a game of Taboo. Unfortunately we forgot to take some photos :(

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