18 October 2006

Idiot Alert!!! BUZZ!!! BUZZ!!!!

No... I'm not the idiot for once... but it's with this guy that comes into the office. To me he is a space waster - he isnt employed by us, but the boss has given him a desk space to use and he doesnt come into the office everyday. When he comes in, he opens envelopes and does mundane stuff... I call him the space waster... amongst other names... he has other names like dirty old man, space waster and a f**kwit

Time and again he's asked me really dumb questions. Once he asked me what happened to his files as he left his computer running over the weekend and when he came back on Monday the files are 'gone' and the computer had rebooted itself. So I asked him if he saved his documents and he just looked blankly at me... and I said if you don't save your work, you cant expect it to be there when you come back after a few days... anything can happen like a computer rebooting itself....

Strike Two was when he asked me to do some interest calculations for him on Excel. So I did them and he thought I had some jazzy programme to do it. Anyway, I told him I saved the file on the shared directory, and he said he has no access to that directory. Next, I said I'll email it to him, then he said he has no internet access at work. Finally I asked if he had a thumb drive so I'll copy the files over. He asked me what a thumb drive is... after I showed him one, he said Oh yeah I have that in my drawer!! After I copied the files into a thumb drive, and went to his computer, his computer doesnt have a USB port!!! What the ....

Strike Three came this afternoon... he had already irritated me earlier in the afternoon when he tried to get me into trouble with the boss... then he wanted me to send an Australian cheque to Vanuatu, so I asked him to check that it can be done... so he said he'll email Vanuatu... and then he asked me what is the internet address here... So I said what do you mean by internet address... he said he is emailing someone and wants that person to reply to him here (at the office). So I asked him how are you emailing this person. He said I'm writing to him from my computer here.... but I dont have a work email address, so this person cant reply to here. So I told him that whichever email address he is emailing from, when the person receives it and hits reply, it will go back to whichever email address he has. So he said...But I want the email to come here not to my home.... It didnt make sense to me at all, but to avoid me getting anymore dumb answers, I gave him my work email address. Ok seriously, I think he lives in the stone age. Just then the phone rang for him, I told him he has a call waiting for him, and he asked me which one... erh.. we only have ONE phone line here and there was only ONE light blinking on his phone!!!

I had to go for a drive to get him out of my sight... seriously.... I might just end up being as stupid as him if I hang around him too much ....

11 October 2006

Meeting with old friends...

Last night, my brother and I got invited to the Pastors house for dinner.... we had mee siam, roast pork, apple strudel and waffles. But more importantly, they had some very special visitors from Singapore - Pastors ST and MT .... they were only in Perth for one night as they had planned to travel down south from today until it's time for them to fly back.

I've known PST and PMT since I was a Missionettes girl... (gosh that's like a super long time ago!) and I haven't seen them for a very long time - could even be as long as since I've been to Oz as they've been travelling missionaries to India as well.

Anyway, it was a good evening catching up with them, talking abt old times, sharing jokes (courtesy of PST) , and playing a game of Taboo. Unfortunately we forgot to take some photos :(

09 October 2006

The beginning of the 4th Qtr

Time just flies and now we're into our final quarter of 2006 - which means 8 weeks to the arrival of my parents. Things have just been happening the last couple of weeks that's led me to be a little lazy to write. I've finally recovered from my cold and the cough lingered on for a while longer, but it stopped last week. I still get abit of the 'ahems' but not as bad.

Last long weekend we ended up in Orchard Glory Farm Resort for the annual church camp. I have to admit that one of my motives of going there was to enjoy the good spread of food that was on offer, and needless to say, I was not disappointed. The dogs had a great time with with all their voluntary babysitters. I think they were pretty knackered by the time we left camp.

Last week, TC was back from Melbourne for a friend's wedding, so we (the ex bird girls) met up with TC on Thursday night at the casino and had dinner and a couple of drinks. I've found ou t that slushies at the casino is really good...

Then on Friday, I had a pretty classic day being a liability on the road that I was told to stay off the road in case I create a bigger liability... but we had DM's birthday (DM is the sister of my boss GL) and we headed to Oriel's for a nice relaxing lunch - with wine of course :) then dinner time, we had a couple of friends over for steamboat, moon cake and playing with lanterns (courtesy of CY's mum). Our original plan was to play the lanterns at Kings Park or a park nearby but after stuffing ourselves with food, we couldnt quite move. We ambitiously tried to get some inspiration from the moon and tried to write some chinese poetry but due to our limited grammar in the chinese language, we didnt quite accomplish that.

On Saturday, I spent a relaxing day at home just vegeing out and sleeping. There was a young adults dinner at the Santa Fe Restaurant which was really good and coincidentally, KM was having her friend's hen's night there as well, so we managed to sneak out every now and then. So as you can see, I've been stuffing myself.... I should get myself back to the gym before my old folks arrive and start their annual nagging .....