29 June 2006

June Birthday Babies

By some strange co-ordination of things, my family including both mum's side and dad's side have managed to have quite a few June babies all within days of each other. My mum (being the very organised person that she is) timed it well to have my brother born a day after my birthday .... so we have ...

June 18 - Millie
June 19 - Shen Mei
June 23 - Wendi
June 24 - Erwin
June 25 - Su Ann

There's also Inez and Joshua, but I get confused with their dates. I think Inez is on the 21st and Joshua is the 27th. In addition, a good buddy of mine, Wendy is also on the same day as me and we share the same name, though different spelling!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE!!

28 June 2006

One Eating Kaki Balik Kampung

So CY has gone back to KL for one month.... one Perth eating buddy down... on the upside, he has promised to update the Eat Inc blog with his food adventures as he's also going to China for a couple of days... wonder if he'll have some snake :)

Meanwhile, I'm trying to pig out as much as I possibly can, coz come July 1, I am hoping to be a bit more disciplined with my eating and exercising plan ... one can only hope....

25 June 2006

Goodbye Chicken Farm ....

We had a bbq at KM & DM Chicken Farm today as we bade farewell to their house. They move to a new house over the next couple of weeks.... wonder if they'll still call it the chicken farm or something else??

On another note, TC has been transferred to Melbourne, so we're also going to have to say good bye to her as she leaves Perth on 15 July. She's going to be greatly missed :(

24 June 2006

Another year

Another birthday has come and gone.... I decided that quiet celebrations were in order this year so just had a simple dinner with some friends and tomorrow night some dinner and more importantly alcohol with some friends. Anyway, I got myself a couple of birthday presents :) I got my hair done (more blonde streaks), a moon stone ring, a chakra bracelet (very pretty with all the colours) and a dolphin anklet.

Thank you to everyone who has wished me happy birthday on emails, sms txt msgs, blogs and cards. It's all very much appreciated to be remembered.

21 June 2006

Shortest Daylight in Perth

Today is the shortest day for the southern hemisphere.... so that means days will get longer from tomorrow ..... which is good - I am not a fan of the sun setting at 5.30pm. And on the other side, the northern hemisphere will be experiencing their longest day...

19 June 2006


I was reminded of how short life can be last week when one of the Uncles' in the church suddenly went home to be with the Lord. He was out walking his dog, doing his normal exercises when suddenly he suffered a massive heart attack and *poof* he was gone. This was a guy who was fit and got a clean bill of health from the doctors just a couple of weeks ago. On one hand I think this is the best way to die, no pain no suffering... however, the suddeness of it on the loved ones left behind isnt so good... the shock of it on his family was very overwhelming. I can now understand how my granny and uncle and auntie and dad felt when my grandpa passed away suddenly as well in 1958.

Rest in peace Kelvin, from the eulogies heard last night at the memorial service, I think you have done God, your family and yourself proud.

14 June 2006

Cash & Cars

Hhhmm... wish I had some of that in real life... Last week, EC bought the Walk the Line DVD which is an autobiography of the legendary Johnny Cash and June Carter. I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. The soundtrack is also very good, this coming from a person who tries very hard to appreciate country music.

Last night, we went to watch the new Pixar animation movie, Cars. THE MOVIE IS SO SO GOOD!!! As with all Pixar movies, the story line wasn't corny and it had a moral at the end of the movie teaching humility and teamwork. The characters as always are cute and adorable. McDonald's is offering the toys as part of their Happy Meal.... maybe I have to live on that for the next couple of weeks to collect the cars.

06 June 2006


This date would only occur once in a lifetime ... I wonder if it's any equivalent to Fridays the 13th

Revelation 13:18
" This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666."

03 June 2006

Happy Anniversary to this Blog!

It's been one year since I've started blogging... wow... time really flies.. Cheers :)