11 December 2006

Daylight Savings

So WA aka wait awhile, has decided to join the rest of the world and adopt daylight savings. We're on a 3 year trial to see if they like the idea of daylight savings... kind of funny I know to have a trial for daylight savings!! Whilst I welcome this move of having more daylight hours (it doesnt get dark now till 8.30pm) I have today fallen victim to the change of time - but I blame the computer!!! I changed the time on my computer and somehow, thru some miracle, all my appointments have changed as well... so today, I had an appointment for a long awaited massage at 1.30pm... but because of this change of time, my calendar on my computer put the appointment at 2.30pm! So I had forgotten all abt it and slacked off to the post office only to come back to the office to have a message waiting for me that I'm late for my massage appointment! ARGH! Could have done with a nice relaxing massage!!

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