31 December 2006

What a Month.... What a Year!!!

Wow... today's already the last day of the month and the year.... time just simply flies. This month has amazingly flown by... I've had my parents here for most of the month... It has been a good time to spend some time with the folks - needless to say, the nagging of 'going to the gym' was there, but other than that, we played gin rummy, ate alot, and just vegetated.

So on reflection 2006 has been an interesting year.... let's see what happened:

January 2006 - lost Toby, went to Singapore for a holiday, spent Chinese New Year with the family after a long absence ;-)

February 2006 - Buffy had a litter of puppies, which out of the litter, I decided to adopt Waddle to replace Toby. I also started to get irritated with working at a sucky company called Opez and started looking for new jobs.....

March 2006 - Delise had her graduation and my brother moved to Perth to pursue his doctorate degree (which I doubt will be his last degree that he's collecting!).

April 2006 - I started a new job!! Way cool... and I'm still at the same job.... extra way cool!! :D
And I started my own company called Mustard Seed Consulting.... this company needs to be further developed in 2007!! Also started the volunteer singing at 2 of the hospitals here with my brother under a group called Healthcare in Christ

May 2006 - Eat Inc blog was formed... but we havent been quite proactive with it, so 2007 might be a good year to start being a little more proactive

June 2006- My Birthday!! :) & this blog's FIRST anniversary :)

July 2006 - got my 'freedom papers' officially... FINALLY.... and was suppose to start on a 'healthy' regime but ... yeah... postponed it to January 2007 :P...also started being a little more active in church and started attending YA....

August 2006 - Went for a murder mystery night which was pretty cool.... had a National Day BBQ at my place - my first official party at this house....

September 2006 - Went for a fruit party.... got a little fruity...

October 2006 - had an awesome Girls Night Out at Burswood... unfortunately we havent had one since :(

November 2006 - my aunt came for a visit... and streaked my hair pink... but it didnt quite last :(

December 2006 - had an awesome Christmas Party at work.... parents were here ...received great Christmas presents from Santa ...went to Fremantle Prison for their 'torchlight tour'

So what's 2007 going to be instore for me? No one knows except for the one above.. however, I do have a couple of things on my wish list which I hope gets answered before 31 December 2007....

11 December 2006

Daylight Savings

So WA aka wait awhile, has decided to join the rest of the world and adopt daylight savings. We're on a 3 year trial to see if they like the idea of daylight savings... kind of funny I know to have a trial for daylight savings!! Whilst I welcome this move of having more daylight hours (it doesnt get dark now till 8.30pm) I have today fallen victim to the change of time - but I blame the computer!!! I changed the time on my computer and somehow, thru some miracle, all my appointments have changed as well... so today, I had an appointment for a long awaited massage at 1.30pm... but because of this change of time, my calendar on my computer put the appointment at 2.30pm! So I had forgotten all abt it and slacked off to the post office only to come back to the office to have a message waiting for me that I'm late for my massage appointment! ARGH! Could have done with a nice relaxing massage!!

10 December 2006


Back when I was in school, my friends and I formed the 'muppet babies' club... even though we were 16!! I was Fozzie Bear... and just doing this Muppet Personality Test I got of April Rain's blog.... Guess which muppet am I??

You Are Fozzie Bear

"Wocka! Wocka!"
You're the life of the party, and you love making people crack up.
If only your routine didn't always bomb!
You may find more groans than laughs, but always keep the jokes coming.