24 July 2005

the one playing 007

I had an interesting weekend so far.... On Friday nite, YW and I decided to drink and I was meeting the rest of the girls at 10 as well. So YW and I started drinking at 6 and by 10 when I was at the Shed to meet the girls, I was pleasantly pissed and by the time we left the Deen and I got home at 2am, I was royally pissed. I got thru 3 bottles of Smirnoff Ice, 3 pints of bourbon & coke, and some other strange illusions shots and I think that was the culprit that topped it off.

Yesterday, YW and I played investigators and we took an early morning drive to do our investigative work. Then a very nice dim sum lunch in the city and back to a nap.

17 July 2005

the one with tic-tac-toe

Here's to the memories of our first pets that we had. 3 cats walked into the old house that we were living in and started playing in the garden. They were christened Tic, Tac, Toe. Tic is the one with the little dot on his nose, and he later got called 'Charlie' short for Charlie Chaplin. Tac got really big and fat - approx 15kg - so got called 'Fat Cat'. Alas, for Toe, he died at a very young age :( However Tic & Tac lived on for a long time and gave our family lots of laughs with their antics and submissiviness to my brother and dad for their over active imagination.

the story of tic-tac-toe Posted by Picasa

the one who owns Toby

This is Toby... my other dog. I rescued him from the dog pound a few years ago. As you can see from the photos, that's his job, lying around the whole day, at various places around the house. He has been christened 'Sir Toby' by the clan. This has been put up by request of one of the cuz who said Toby is her favourite...

Toby @ Work Posted by Picasa

the one who owns Buffy

That's Buffy my dog. No I am not a fan of the movie show, but somehow the name suited her when it was time to name her. She's a big sook at times usually when she has to take a bath or have her hair brushed. But she really is a sweetie... although I'm sure there are some friends out there who would beg to differ :)

Buffy Posted by Picasa

the one that is freaky

You are dependable, popular, and observant.
Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.
In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.

You are unique, creative, and expressive.
You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.
And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!

I like the fact that I'm charming yet freaky :P

05 July 2005

the one who had a ball at a ball

It's been a busy weekend for me. On Friday, I had the office end of financial year lunch. Free food and free drinks... what more can one ask for? It was an interesting experience seeing these dead people come to life. Well, not all came to life. Towards the end of the evening with everyone's tongue's a little loose and people was fully intoxicated, that's when the fun began. That night, I also took my little cousin (note she calls me her old old cousin) and her friend to watch Madagascar .... amazingly, I didnt fall asleep.

Saturday was the ball. It was a chaotic day to begin with but it was a great night out. Of course some of the people at the ball asked how I managed to sneak in... don't they know who they are dealing with?? On the upside of things, friends and cousins have said I looked good that night, on the downside of things, my own flesh and blood had nothing but negative comments which really upset me.

Anyway, the food was good and the company around the table was excellent - thanks guys. Should have taken some pics of the food. And of course, free flow of drinks. Everyone behaved themselves - did we have a choice? But once the ball officially ended and we hit the club, let the fun begin. I got home at 5am.... it's one of these times I'm glad I dont live with my parents anymore :)