22 October 2005

the one who has been missing in action

Right... I thought I should post something seeing that I've not for like the last 2 months. Things have been up and down, but I thank God that he has seen me through some of them and all the others I leave it to him.

At the moment, I've got lots of visitors in my house - as good as running a Bed and Breakfast. I have my auntie and her family here, and my brother is here as well. It has been good couple of weeks catching up with everyone. But living with so many people is once again testing my patience on tolerance. The upside is I dont have to do housework and cooking - dinner is actually ready for me when I get home from work - which is just a little too bizzare for me.

Work's been pretty good - now that the manager that I seem to have a personality clash with has left. Hey how would you react to her if she tells you that she doesnt give 'free answers' when you ask her a question? What's the point of making her a manager?? How is a person suppose to learn then? And as most companies go, the secretary is a little up herself - and I'm not too sure if I can quite deal with that. Ironically, I have been asked if I would consider going back to my old firm to work as they are in need of people.... hhhmm... if they can give me what I want, who knows, I just might go back to work for them, since they're the ones in need of people :)

Socially, has been a little quiet - but hey you need that sometimes. We went out for JH's birthday dinner last night which was pretty good and ended up in the pub , for once we didnt end up at our usual club. Of course one of the advantages of having my brother here is that I get chauffered around and so he came to pick me & KM up after we were done at the pub, which saved me cab fare, and I could drink all I want :) On a sad note, NC is leaving to go back to his home state. I do wish his and his fiancee all the best. Although I kind of know him, he has been good fun whenever we went out and he's been a pretty good sport. Besides, he said I look younger than how old I really am, so he scored brownie points for that :)

Physically, I admit I havent been to the gym for like 2 months. I keep telling myself that I'll do it next week, but you know how it is when procrastination sets in. But with the folks coming for Christmas, I better get myself into gear, before the nagging sets in again as it does every time I see them.

Finally... as Bugs Bunny says it.... THATS ALL FOLKS!!!!